
Najib Wants To Have A "Relaxing Chat" With His Social Media Followers This Weekend

'Bersembang Santai dengan Najib Razak' will take place on 3 November.

Cover image via Mohd Rasfan/AFP/Getty Images

Datuk Seri Najib Razak has extended an invitation to all his social media friends to join him for an afternoon chat this Saturday, 3 November

The former prime minister wrote on the Facebook event page that the occasion, called 'Bersembang Santai dengan Najib Razak', is for him and his social media followers to "gather in a relaxing environment and discuss on current issues."

The event will be held at Riverside Restaurant, PWTC at 3pm.

"I look forward to meeting and chatting with my you all on Saturday!" he said.

The response from netizens in the comment section ranged from fans showing their support to critics expressing their disdain.

There was also a burning question: Will there be free food?

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Najib's casual meet and greet comes just one week after he made headlines for abruptly walking out of a televised Al Jazeera interview

Image via Al Jazeera

Najib later took to his Facebook page to explain that he lost his cool after the interview brought up his involvement in the Altantuya murder.

"That topic, together with the concern about my family did get me worked-up and lost my cool for a moment," he wrote, before offering his apologies to Al Jazeera.

Najib is known for being active on social media. Just last month, he asked his followers for donations to help with his legal fees:

Read about all of Najib's most recent charges here:

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