
"Drama Melayu Banyak Je 'Scene' Peluk" - Respon Netizen Bila RTM Hentikan Lagu Despacito

Panel penilai RTM menarik balik kelulusan siaran lagu berbahasa Sepanyol itu selepas menerima aduan orang ramai.

Cover image via SAYS via YouTube

Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) mengambil keputusan memberhentikan serta-merta siaran lagu hit antarabangsa, Despacito, di semua stesen radio dan saluran televisyen miliknya, semalam

Menurut Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak panel penilai RTM menarik balik kelulusan siaran lagu berbahasa Sepanyol itu selepas menerima aduan orang ramai.

“Sehubungan dengan itu, RTM memberhentikan siaran lagu tersebut di semua stesen radio dan TV RTM berkuat kuasa serta-merta," katanya.

Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak.

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Tambahnya lagi, keputusan mengharamkan lagu tersebut disiarkan radio dan televisyen RTM kerana ia boleh mempengaruhi generasi muda.

Namun, ia masih boleh didapati melalui saluran lain, khasnya dalam talian.

“Oleh itu, kami meminta stesen radio lebih sensitif terhadap norma tempatan dan melakukan penapisan sendiri ke atas lagu itu, sama ada menghentikan siarannya atau memotong sebahagian audio lagu itu," katanya lagi.

Malah sebelum ini, Angkatan Wanita Amanah Nasional (AWAN) telah terlebih dahulu meminta agar stesen radio di negara ini berhenti memutarkan lagu 'Despacito' yang didakwa mengandungi lirik berunsur lucah

Perkara itu dilaporkan oleh akhbar online Mstar semalam. Menurut Pengerusi Seni dan Budayanya, beliau memandang isu tersebut secara serius kerana kebanyakan golongan kanak-kanak menyanyikan lagu tersebut tanpa mengetahui maksud lirik yang sebenar.

"Saya kesal lagu-lagu bermasalah tidak ditapis oleh kementerian yang berkaitan," ujarnya.

Sebahagian lirik lagu tersebut dikatakan membawa maksud yang eksplisit contohnya berbunyi: “Biar saya bernafas perlahan-lahan di lehermu, Biar saya tanggalkan pakaianmu perlahan-lahan dengan ciuman, memasuki dinding labirin anda dan menjadikan seluruh tubuhmu satu manuskrip.”

Lagu Despacito cukup mendapat sambutan yang hangat dan telah ditonton sebanyak lebih 2 bilion kali di YouTube

Bukan itu saja, lagu tersebut mempunyai banyak parodi, termasuk daripada rakyat Malaysia. Dan ia turut mempunyai versi bahasa Melayu yang bertajuk “Incognito” dan kini mencecah hampir 8 juta tontonan di YouTube.

Setelah keputusan itu dibuat, ternyata tidak semua rakyat Malaysia yang bersetuju dengan perkara tersebut

Sebilangan orang ramai merasakan tindakan tersebut adalah tidak wajar. Ini adalah antara contoh-contoh pendapat yang dikeluarkan oleh orang ramai terhadap isu tersebut:

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Jadi agak-agak apa maksud sebenar lagu tersebut?
Jom lihat terjemahan penuh lagu Despacito dalam Bahasa Inggeris di bawah:

Yes, you know that I’ve been looking at you for a long time
I must dance with you today (DY)

(Daddy Yankee)
I saw that the look in your eyes was calling me
Show me the path that I will take (Oh)

(Luis Fonsi)
You, you’re the magnet and I’m the metal
I am getting closer and making a plan
Simply thinking about it makes my heart race (Oh yeah)

(Daddy Yankee)
Now, I’m already liking it more than usual
All of my senses are asking for more
We cannot do this in a rush

(Luis Fonsi)
I want to breathe in your neck slowly
Let me murmur things in your ear
So that you remember if you’re not with me

I want to undress you in kisses slowly
Firmly in the walls of your labyrinth
And of your body, I want to create a manuscript
Up, up
Up, up, up
I want to see your hair dance
I want to be your rhythm
Want you to show my mouth

Your favorite places (Favorite, favorite baby)
Let me trespass your danger zones
Until I make you scream
And you forget your last name

(Daddy Yankee)
If I ask for a kiss come give it to me
I know that you’re thinking about it
I’ve been trying to do it for awhile
Mami this is giving and giving it to you
You know that with me your heart goes bom bom
You know that from me that babe is looking for a bom bom
Come try my mouth and see if you like its taste
I want to see how much love fits in you
I’m not in a rush I want to experience this trip
Let’s start slowly, then savagely
Step by step, soft then softly
We come up against each other, little by little
When you kiss me in that state of distress
I see that you are malice and delicacy
Step by step, soft then softly
We come up against each other, little by little
And it’s just that your beauty is a puzzle
But to finish it here I have the missing piece

(Luis Fonsi)
I want to breathe in your neck slowly
Let me murmur things in your ear
So that you remember if you’re not with me

I want to undress you in kisses slowly
Firmly in the walls of your labyrinth
And of your body, I want to create a manuscript
Up, up, up, up
I want to see your hair dance
I want to be your rhythm
Want you to show my mouth
Your favorite places (Favorite, favorite baby)
Let me trespass your danger zones
Until I make you scream
And you forget your last name

We’re gonna do it on a beach in Puerto Rico
Until the waves scream Oh Lord
So that my seal stays with you

(Daddy Yankee)
Step by step, soft then softly
We come up against each other, little by little

(Luis Fonsi)
I want you to show my mouth
Your favorite places (Favorite, favorite baby)

(Daddy Yankee)

Step by step, soft then softly
We come up against each other, little by little
(Luis Fonsi)
Until I make you scream
And you forget your last name

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