
10 Things You Didn't Know About Nicol David

Happy birthday Datuk Nicol David who turns 30 today, 26 Aug 2013! What DO you know about our national heroine?

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1. Did you know that Nicol David can dance?

Nicol David during the #BacktheBid2020 Flash Mob in Malaysia.

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2. And even though Nicol's mixed Chinese-Indian, she only speaks English and Malay

World No. 1 Nicol David will be returning to Malaysia to play in the TC National Championships from Aug 28-Sept 1.

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3. Nicol's favourite foods are seafood, spicy food and char kuay teow (if she's in Penang)

Char kuay teow. Photo for illustration purposes only.

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Photo for illustrtion purposes only.

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4. Nicol's best subject at school was math

Photo for illustration purposes only.

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5. As a youngster, Nicol dreamed of becoming an engineer like her dad

Datuk Nicol David and her father Desmond admiring her DSPN award.

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6. Nicol was appointed as UNDP National Goodwill Ambassador for Malaysia in 2004

Nicol and a small team from UNDP and the Sarawak Inland Waterway Transport System (SIWT) Study journeyed along the Batang Rajang for many hours to the far-flung community of Punan Bah, some 80km from Kapit.

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7. If a movie was made about Nicol David, she said (she had never thought about it) but the closest actress she'd pick to play her is Jessica Alba

Photo of Jessica Alba.

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Photo of Nicol David.

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8. Nicol says, "If anyone ever attempted to take the Malaysian out of me, they would have a difficult time doing so!"

Nicol at the iconic Kuala Lumpur Twin Towers.

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9. Nicol says, "I'm driven by my passion and it's ultimate satisfaction when everything pays off with a big win."

Frank Cabooter (Sports Psychologist) and Liz Irving (Coach/ Mentor) in Nicol's corner during the World Open final in Grand Cayman.

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10. Nicol is part of the voice that is looking for squash to to be an Olympic game

Nicol David is urging people to like the Squash 2020 page on Facebook, before the IOC decides if squash gets into the Olympics #Vote4Squash

#vote4squash because it is already played in every multi-sport games: Asian, Commonwealth, Pan Am and World Games. Gold - Nicol David (Malaysia) Silver - Natalie Grinham (Netherlands) Bronze - Camille Serme (France) Photo credit: Ronald Fauvel

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