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Klang Oyen Shows Up At Polling Station To 'Vote' & Demands For Love

The cat looked rather confused with so many people at the school this morning, 19 November.

Cover image via SAYS

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An orange cat has strolled into a polling station in Klang, Selangor, to perform its duty as a catizen to vote today, 19 November

As early as 8.30am, the oyen emerged at Kolej Vokasional Klang, without even an iota of whining, to cast its precious ballot.

It was spotted at a classroom in the voting station, before walking out of there suavely but showed a rather confused face once it was at the exit.

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Image via SAYS

"Why are they so many people at the school today?" the possibly first-time voter meowed to itself, unaware that the Klang constituency had 210,000 voters in the 2018 election

Image via SAYS

Image via SAYS

Only speaking to Malaysians who smelled good, the oyen then sniffed at several individuals 20 times bigger than it and began demanding attention

Unfortunately, most electorates at the polling station deemed that it was too early for love and affection, thus, ignored the furred friend's advances.

Crushed by rejections from fellow electorates, the oyen showed itself out shortly after.

When this SAYS writer had cast his vote, he went to say hello and petted the cat, only to realise that it was already napping, possibly dreaming about cookies.

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Below is a video of the oyen being petted:

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