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ABC & CookX Asia Team Up To Teach Children With Autism How To Bake Scones

The inclusive culinary experience allowed kids to enhance social and practical skills in a supportive environment.

Cover image via CookX Asia

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Autism Behavioral Center (ABC) has announced an exciting collaboration with CookX Asia, a leading digital video cookbook platform

This innovative partnership aims to create inclusive culinary experiences for children with autism, enhancing their social and practical skills in a supportive environment.

Image via CookX Asia (Provided to SAYS)

Dr Charlene Marie Samuel, the director of ABC, shared insights into the organisation's mission and work, "ABC addresses a range of developmental needs, including speech delays, behavioural challenges, social skills, and school readiness. We also provide group therapy, shadow aide services, and outreach programmes to promote inclusion in various settings."

CookX Asia co-founder and CEO Wong Yew Mun explained that making cooking accessible and enjoyable for everyone is her company's goal, "Our app simplifies the cooking process by offering short, effective video recipes and pre-measured ingredient kits delivered to your doorstep. We aim to reduce food wastage and provide a marketplace for anyone to share their recipes and earn passive income."

On 11 May, ABC and CookX Asia brought together families of autistic children to learn and enjoy baking classic scones at The Food Merchant supermarket

Image via CookX Asia (Provided to SAYS)

Under the guidance of renowned chef, Marina Mustapha, the children got hands-on experience in baking. Designed to be stress-free, families were able to create delicious treats using CookX's Eco-Pack, which contains pre-measured ingredients.

"Parents often find it challenging to enroll their children in classes due to the lack of inclusivity. This collaboration with CookX showcases how businesses can be inclusive with the right awareness and planning," Dr Charlene remarked. "Our families spent quality time baking together in what is typically a sensory nightmare, and it was a resounding success."

Image via CookX Asia (Provided to SAYS)

Wong highlighted the importance of culinary skills for autistic children, "Learning to cook can build confidence, foster independence, and create a sense of accomplishment. Our Eco-Pack makes the process less intimidating, encouraging children to try cooking at home, promoting family bonding, and healthy eating."

Image via CookX Asia (Provided to SAYS)

"Learning culinary skills enriches one's personal life by promoting good health because they have control over the ingredients, it is cost-effective, it teaches one to be self-sufficient, and provides a creative outlet," shared Wong

"Professionally, it opens up numerous career and entrepreneurial opportunities. Educationally, it supports cognitive development and cultural awareness. Overall, culinary skills are a valuable asset in many areas of life," Wong continued.

Image via CookX Asia (Provided to SAYS)

Dr Charlene shared a heartwarming success story of a child who started therapy at ABC as a non-verbal toddler with low social awareness

"After four years of intensive services, he is now thriving in a mainstream school, demonstrating the profound impact early intervention can have," she said.

"He was able to develop most skills including speech, communication, social skills, and academic skills. I have to say that the family played a significant role in his progress and success; they were very cooperative and participative in all the parent trainings throughout the course of our support, and they continued with practising skills at home," she continued.

But it doesn't end there. As children with autism transition into adulthood, the support they receive is crucial. "Parents should start early, focusing on independence, social skills, and self-advocacy. Building a strong support network and creating a comprehensive transition plan are essential steps," Dr Charlene advised.

"To families navigating the journey of autism, know that you are not alone," Dr Charlene concluded

"A diagnosis is a tool that can open doors to support and resources. Trust your instincts, seek professional guidance, and advocate for your child’s needs."

CookX's Wong echoed this sentiment, expressing hope that their app will meet the needs of all consumers, including those in the autism community. "We aim to provide value and joy through our services, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive," he said.

This collaboration marks a significant step towards creating a more inclusive society, demonstrating that with the right support, children with autism can achieve remarkable success.

Image via CookX Asia (Provided to SAYS)

For more information about the collaboration and upcoming programmes, follow ABC on Instagram at @abc.malaysia and CookX at @CookXAsia

The CookX Asia app is also available for download, offering free recipes and the convenience of Eco-Pack shopping.

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