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Did You Know: You Can Withdraw From Your EPF If You Have More Than RM1 Million In Savings

No need to wait until 55.

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As a Malaysian, you likely contribute to the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) to save for your retirement, and typically, withdrawals are only allowed after you reach age 55.

However, did you know that if you've accumulated over RM1 million in savings, you can make a withdrawal ahead of time?

The official EPF website states that members with more than RM1 million in savings have the privilege to withdraw and manage excess savings on their own.

Members can withdraw any amount exceeding RM1 million, with withdrawals first deducted from their Akaun Fleksibel (Account 3). If that balance is insufficient, funds will then be taken from their Akaun Sejahtera (Account 2) and Akaun Persaraan (Account 1).

Image via New Straits Times

If you have over RM1 million in your account and wish to withdraw funds before age 55, you can easily apply online

As an active member, simply use the KWSP i-Akaun app to initiate the withdrawal, and the payment will be deposited into the bank account linked to your EPF account.

Alternatively, you can manually complete the KWSP 9B (AHL) form and submit it at your nearest EPF counter or mail it to them.

Image via AFP/New Straits Times

Meanwhile, if you are under 55 and require some cash, here are the other EPF withdrawal categories you should be aware of:
- Akaun Fleksibel (Account 3)
- Education withdrawal
- Housing withdrawal
- Health withdrawal
- Hajj withdrawal
- Death withdrawal
- Leaving the country withdrawal
- Age 50 withdrawal

For more information, check out the official EPF website.

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