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Did You Know That Silica Is A Natural Collagen Booster? Here's A Look At Its Benefits

We actually are naturally born with high levels of silica in our bodies.

Cover image via Ketut Subiyanto (Pexels) & Lisa Fotios (Pexels)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Spritzer.

"Ahh... syok!" We're all familiar with the refreshing feeling of taking a sip of natural mineral water.

But did you know that beyond quenching your thirst, natural mineral water contains minerals like silica that offer various health benefits?

For instance, silica is crucial for the production of collagen, the protein that provides structure, strength, and elasticity to our skin, hair, nails, and connective tissues¹. We are all born with high levels of silica, but as we age, these levels decline.

This is why it's essential to replenish our silica intake to support our body's natural processes, particularly for maintaining healthy, youthful skin².

In fact, silica stimulates the production of fibroblasts, making it a natural collagen booster¹!

Fibroblasts keep our skin firm and smooth. Moreover, silica helps stabilise collagen fibres, enhancing their strength and flexibility. This improves the skin's overall structure and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles¹.

Without enough silica, collagen production decreases, and the quality of collagen deteriorates, leading to sagging and wrinkles.

In case you didn't know, Spritzer Natural Mineral Water naturally contains a rich source of silica, giving you a refreshing unique 'Siliqa' experience with every sip

Image via Spritzer

This refreshing sensation, known as 'Siliqa,' comes from Spritzer's rich silica content. Verified by top universities like the University of London, Keele University, and the University of Warsaw, Spritzer Natural Mineral Water contains 60mg/L of silica, providing a beneficial source of this essential mineral to support healthy skin and overall wellbeing.

Whether you're starting your day with a morning workout, powering through back-to-back meetings, or winding down after a long day, incorporating Spritzer Natural Mineral Water into your daily routine brings a burst of 'Siliqa' to every moment.

Every bottle of Spritzer Natural Mineral Water is sourced from a pristine 400-acre protected tropical rainforest, ensuring that it is naturally purified and rich in minerals, including bicarbonates, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, and silica.

This unique mineral composition supports overall health, while the silica content specifically aids in boosting collagen production, contributing to healthier, more radiant skin.

Elevate your daily activities with the power of 'Siliqa' by drinking Spritzer Natural Mineral Water regularly to maintain optimal silica levels

Image via Spritzer

Unlike boiled, filtered, or distilled drinking water, Spritzer Natural Mineral Water offers a naturally filtered, mineral-rich hydration experience, infusing every drink with the refreshing sensation of 'Siliqa.'

With its rich silica content and balanced array of other essential minerals, Spritzer is more than just water — it's a natural way to support your body's health and vitality.

Discover the benefits of silica-rich hydration and the refreshing sensation of 'Siliqa' today with Spritzer Natural Mineral Water.

Learn more about the 'Siliqa' experience on their website.

You can stay informed on the latest news and updates through Spritzer's Instagram and TikTok page.

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a healthcare professional regarding the reader’s own medical care.


1. Barel A, Calomme M, Timchenko A, De Paepe K, Demeester N, Rogiers V, Clarys P, Vanden Berghe D. Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on skin, nails and hair in women with photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol Res. 2005 Oct;297(4):147-53.

Reffitt DM, Ogston N, Jugdaohsingh R, Cheung HF, Evans BA, Thompson RP, Powell JJ, Hampson GN. Orthosilicic acid stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Bone. 2003 Feb;32(2):127-35.

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