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Ain's Mum: It's Important For Schools To Be A Safe Place So Parents Can Have Peace Of Mind

Meanwhile, the 17-year-old student shared that while she has received a lot of support from kids her age, she is really disappointed at the lack of a response from the Ministry of Education.

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On 9 May, an all-girls community school named Khadijah Learning Centre organised a Mothers' Day online forum called "Speak Up"

The purpose of the forum was to talk about making schools a safe place for students.

The forum was hosted by Khadijah Learning Centre's advisor Dr Rosemaliza where its founder Nur Zahirah M Sukran was joined by student Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam and her mother Niza Sharifudin.

Image via Khadijah Learning Centre (Facebook)

At the forum, Niza shared that as the eldest of her siblings Ain takes up the role to look after and care for the members in her absence

According to Niza, they both share the responsibility to take care of the family together.

"If I'm not at home, Ain will care for the siblings. If I'm working, she will be cooking for the family," Ain's mother said, adding that there's a lot of trust, kindness, and cooperation between them.

She said that while children have their own thinking, as parents she and her husband trusts them.

"If they do something that's wrong, we say it's wrong. You cannot do it anymore. If what they do is good, then we praise them," Niza said while sharing that she used to be a housewife up until recently, but had to join the workforce after Ain's father, Saiful Nizam Abdul Wahab, fell sick.

She emphasised that trust and love are the qualities that she instils in her family.

According to Niza, it is very important for schools to be safe place

She was asked about what would be her idea of a dream school, to which she replied that the first thing the school should be safe and that she should be able to trust the people who are around.

She said that it's important for parents to have that kind of peace of mind that when they send their children to school, they have the trust of the teachers who are there.

On the topic of Ain speaking out, her mother admitted to worrying about her safety and that she might not be as brave as her daughter

"As a mother, I think about her safety," she said, adding that she has been stressed out thinking about the backlash her daughter is receiving for speaking out to make schools a safe place.

I may not be as strong as her, but what is wrong, is wrong. For that, I believe in her and I support her.

She also urged parents to believe in their children.

"If they cannot complain to you, then who should they go to? If we don't trust our children, then who else should they trust? So trust your children. As parents, we must also look after their safety."

Meanwhile, Ain shared that while she has received a lot of support, the lack of a response from the Ministry of Education is surprising

"Right now, we are getting a lot of support from kids my age and I'm overwhelmed. But it's surprising how, so far, the Ministry of Education hasn't even given any response or reached out to me personally," the 17-year-old secondary school student said, adding that it's "really disappointing" to her.

Watch the full forum here:

Last night, Aim claimed that she has received a warning notice of expulsion from her school for speaking out against rape culture:

Over the week, NUTP secretary-general Harry Tan offered his apology amidst Malaysians calling him out for perpetuating rape culture:

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