A Popular Car Wash Increased Its Prices And Now Angry Customers Want Refunds
Car wash prices were said to have been raised from RM13 to RM20.
Popular car wash facility Cars International has been around for years, providing everything from cleaning to polishing services
The international company has outlets all over Malaysia, a majority of which you may have noticed at large shopping malls.
Image via IOI City Mall
Although the company has made quite a name for itself, a recent decision to raise its prices has begun to taint its image
A notice posted by a Facebook user today, 18 January, read:
"Effective 7 January 2019, many of our service prices will be revised. The revision is necessary to continue our best efforts in providing quality services to all our valued customers," signed off by Cars International Management.
Consequently, customers have become extremely angry claiming that the prices have been raised by more than 50% for several of its services
The price change has also affected several loyal members who have already purchased year-long packages with the company
Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook
Several netizens also tagged the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPKPDNKK-Laman Rasmi) on the Facebook page.
Cars International responded to a few customers last week explaining that it had struggled to keep its costs low because of several factors, such as increase in shopping mall rent, local and foreign staff wages, and chemicals.
Image via Facebook
Another customer, who called the company to complain, shared a WhatsApp message with SAYS that was allegedly sent by Cars International today apologising for the price increase:
It read:
If we had a choice, we would not choose to raise our prices! We have actually tried to absorb much of the rising costs over the years. But we really cannot afford to do so anymore," adding that the company was only able to cover part of the "escalating costs" with the new increase.
Additionally, Cars International claimed in the message that it would decrease its car wash prices from RM20 to RM16 (including 6% SST) starting from 17 January.
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