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M'sians Wanting To Study In Australia Now Must Show Proof They Have RM93,000 In Savings

This is the second hike in the last seven months, aimed at addressing surging migration levels.

Cover image via Norman Goh/The Vibes Bernama

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The Australian government has raised the minimum amount of savings required for international students to obtain a student visa

According to the Australian Department of Home Affairs, the change to the country's financial capacity requirement for student and student guardian visa applicants comes into effect on 10 May.

Reuters reported that the Australian government is worried about too many migrants straining the housing market and is therefore attempting to make it harder for international students to get visas.

This is the second increase in financial requirements for student visas in seven months.

Image via New Straits Times

The policy will now affect around 15,000 Malaysian students who are currently studying or intending to pursue their studies in Australia

International students, including those from Malaysia, must show proof of savings of at least AUD29,710 (approximately RM93,000) now. Before October last year, it was AUD21,041 (approximately RM66,000).

Image via Australian Department of Home Affairs

Meanwhile, Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said they will hold discussions with the Australian government

"We will hold discussions with [our] counterparts and the Australian government as soon as possible to understand the policy of that country," he said, as reported by the New Straits Times.

"We want to know whether the policy involves all countries or only certain countries," he said, adding that his ministry needs to involve the Home Affairs Ministry as it concerns immigration issues.

Speaking of studying abroad, there are several countries where you can study for free or at a very low cost:

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