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JKM Asks Night Market Beggar For His IC & He Leads Them To His Proton X70 To Get It

The social welfare agency also discovered that the man has been receiving a monthly aid of RM450.

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A man who was caught begging by the Social Welfare Department (JKM) was found to own a Proton X70 in Maran, Pahang

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, 21 February, the Maran Social Welfare Department said its enforcement officers were conducting an anti-begging operation at the Sri Jaya night market when they encountered the man.

"From a distance, a Malay man wearing a robe and cap could be seen standing under a vendor's umbrella, holding a paper bag and seeking sympathy from passersby.

"Both of the man's hands appear small, unlike those of a normal person," said the agency.

Image via JKM Maran (Facebook)

JKM said its officers then approached the man to inquire about his purpose for begging, but their question went unanswered

Assuming that the man was deaf and mute, the officers inspected his bag and found banknotes inside, believed to be donations he had received from market-goers.

"Despite repeated requests from the officers to see his identification card (IC) for record purposes, the man did not respond," the post read.

Image via JKM Maran (Facebook)

However, after being pressed, JKM said the man finally spoke up and admitted that he was neither deaf nor mute, but only physically disabled

The man then informed them that his IC was in his car, leading the officers to his vehicle.

"The officers discovered that the man, who had been garnering sympathy from the public due to his physical condition, was driving a premium model Proton X70," said JKM.

"Further investigations revealed that the man lives in Balok, Kuantan, and begs at different night markets around Pahang.

"Checks also revealed that he has been receiving an OKU working allowance of RM450 a month from JKM since 2001," said the agency.

He also admitted that he owned the Proton X70 and that he could collect up to RM500 a day by begging four to six hours at the night markets.

JKM said they released the man with a warning as it was his first offence in the district

They also requested him to sign a letter promising that he would not beg again.

According to the Destitute Persons Act 1977, welfare officers are authorised to round up beggars for admission into a welfare home for care, protection, and rehabilitation.

Beggars could also be arrested under Section 27(c) of the Minor Offences Act 1955 if they are found capable of earning a livelihood by other lawful means.

It was alleged that a beggar could earn up to RM10,000 a month:

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