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Khairy: All Foreigners Residing In Malaysia Will Get Free COVID-19 Vaccines

He said that the Cabinet has also agreed to provide the COVID-19 vaccines for undocumented foreigners for free in principle.

Science, Technology, and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said foreigners residing in Malaysia will receive COVID-19 vaccines free

"This will include diplomats, expatriates, students, foreign spouses and children, foreign workers, and [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees] UNHCR cardholders," Khairy said in a statement today, 11 February, made on behalf of the Special Committee on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee.

According to Khairy, the decision was made by the Cabinet

The free COVID-19 vaccines for foreigners will be under the National Immunisation Programme.

He said that the Cabinet has also agreed to provide the COVID-19 vaccines for undocumented foreigners for free in principle

"The committee will be discussing further on how this can be implemented. We will be reaching out to state governments, foreign embassies, NGOs to assist," he added.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that all Malaysians over 18 years of age will be vaccinated:

Read more about Malaysia's COVID-19 vaccination programe:

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