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Mahathir's Giggly Reaction After A Sweet Moment With Siti Hasmah Is Too Pure

"This couple is an example to all married couples in the world."

Cover image via Facebook

A story about a tender moment between Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah has gone viral on social media

Image via Facebook

Prem Kumar Panjamorthy, who is associated with Nikkei Asian Review, took to his Facebook to share a story about the couple along with two photos he recently took while interviewing the prime minister at Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan.

His Facebook post, posted on 31 May, has garnered over 5,000 shares at the time of writing.

"I have never shared these pictures of Dr Mahathir but it will be a sin if I don't share it," Prem wrote

He explained that since it was Ramadan, the interview was conducted in two parts with a five-minute break in between.

During the break, the premier's aide-de-camp rushed into the room to inform them that Siti Hasmah was about to enter.

"She wants to come in now?" Mahathir asked, appearing to be shocked.

The 92-year-old walked into the room and apologised for interrupting the session.

She went to whisper something into Mahathir's ear but he could not hear, causing her to giggle.

"I'm going to take some rest in the room. You have not taken any rest since this morning," she said in a louder voice while holding his hand.

"Please take some rest after this," she added.

She then apologised again to the reporter for the interruption and left the room.

"Dr Mahathir just quietly, with full of love in his eyes, watched his wife walk out of the room while giggling like a young lover boy!" the reporter shared

Image via Facebook

Prem explained that everyone in the room was stunned to see the politician's reaction.

"I cannot believe this is a 63-year-old marriage and 71-year-old friendship since they were university mates!" he wrote in the post.

"This couple is an example to all married couples in the world," he added.

Netizens took to the comments section of the post to gush about the couple's long-lasting and loving relationship

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

While Siti Hasmah is unfazed by public displays of affection, she wouldn't say the same of her husband:

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