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Survey: 31% Of M'sian Youths Believe Women Can't Get Pregnant The First Time They Have Sex

"Sex education is a powerful tool. It dismantles ignorance, dispels myths, and fosters a culture of consent, respect, and healthy sexual expression," said Durex Malaysia marketing manager Jerome Goh.

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Based on a survey conducted by Durex in 2022, the average age of Gen Z's first sexual intercourse experience is between 15 and 22 years old

Titled 'Durex Malaysia's Sexual Health & Intimate Wellness Survey 2022', the survey was conducted between April and May 2022, involving more than 1,000 youths nationwide.

Some of the key findings include:

- 1 in 3 youths believe that sex shown in pornography is normal sex

- 31% did not know that a woman could get pregnant the first time she engages in sex

- 40% believe the myth that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are only transmitted through penetrative sex

- 60% chose online articles, movies, or videos as their go-to sources to learn about sex

- 50% of youths believe that men who carry condoms are responsible, whereas women who carry it are perceived as wanting to have a sexual relationship

Image via Durex Malaysia (Provided to SAYS)

These findings initiated the Durex #COMETOGETHER campaign, which focuses on helping young Malaysians speak out and learn about sex without fear or stigma

It aims to cultivate safe and healthy intimate practices, encourage more open conversations about sex, and destigmatise myths and taboos surrounding sex education.

Durex Academy is a continuous effort to address the survey findings by breaking it down into learning modules covering four main syllabuses:

- Sex-Ed101: Highlights the basics of intimacy

- #ComeTogetherPrepared: The importance of protection and STIs 

- Pillow Talk: The importance of learning and equipping oneself with the correct information 

- Outercourse: Delves into consent and boundaries

Image via Durex Malaysia (Provided to SAYS)

Durex Academy will be partnering with a sexuality education provider, SPOT Malaysia, to run on-ground workshops in universities around Klang Valley

Durex Academy will also be hosting an online campaign, where you can learn honest, age-appropriate information, and the skills necessary to help you take personal responsibility for your health and overall wellbeing.

At its launch event yesterday, 18 May, the academy also hosted an open day that featured interactive educational exhibits, introductions to the online lecturers, and a panel discussion with certified sexologist Andrea Koh and SPOT Malaysia founder, Siti.

Durex Malaysia's launch event of Durex Academy on 18 May.

Image via Durex Malaysia (Provided to SAYS)

"Sex education is a powerful tool. It dismantles ignorance, dispels myths, and fosters a culture of consent, respect, and healthy sexual expression," said Durex Malaysia marketing manager Jerome Goh during the launch.

"By embracing comprehensive sex education, we pave the way for a future where individuals are equipped to navigate their own sexual journey with wisdom, compassion, and the freedom to embrace their authentic selves," he added

Image via Durex Malaysia (Provided to SAYS)

Besides the condom, did you know that there are seven different types of contraceptives available in Malaysia?

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