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Newlyweds' Dream Honeymoon Shattered After Husband's Passport Got Wet In The Rain

The couple suffered a loss of RM16,000 due to the mishap.

Cover image via @fikryyazman (TikTok)

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A pair of newlyweds suffered a loss of RM16,000 after their dream honeymoon had to be called off due to a mishap involving the husband's passport

29-year-old Muhammad Fikry Azman shared that he and his wife, Nur Amira Fatin Norazmi, were supposed to embark an a tour to Turkiye, which they had booked via a travel agency, on 17 December, reported mStar.

However, when they attempted to check in their bags at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Fikry said the airline's employee refused to process his passport due to water damage.

He explained that his passport had previously been drenched when he braved a heavy rainstorm on his way back from his job in Singapore.

Fikry, who works as a cleaner, said the airline employee did not want him to risk facing potential disruptions in Turkiye, where local officers could fine him.

"It was not the immigration officer who stopped me, but rather the airline's employee when I wanted to check in my luggage.

"The passport must not be exposed to water because it might cause the writing on the document to swell or damage the entry or exit stamps in the passport," Berita Harian quoted him as saying.

Image via Berita Harian

The couple's trip to Turkiye was supposed to serve as a double celebration — not only as their honeymoon, but also for their birthdays, which fall on 22 and 23 December

Fikry said it was a nine-day holiday to places such as Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale, and Bursa.

The entire trip, which cost over RM16,000, was non-refundable.

Fikry told mStar that when he and his wife arrived at Sepang the night before their flight, they were were preoccupied with last-minute shopping and currency exchange. As a result, he did not have the opportunity to dry his passport.

Efforts to dry his passport at KLIA's restroom were also unsuccessful.

Having worked for more than three years in Singapore, he understood the gravity of the situation when the airline employee informed him that his passport did not meet the standards of immigration inspection.

He told mStar that he cried at the airport before accepting his fate.

Image via @fikryyazman (TikTok)

At the time of writing, Fikry's TikTok video about his ruined honeymoon plan has garnered over 480,000 views

He shared his experience as a cautionary tale for others, emphasising the importance of shielding passports from rain and the potential setbacks that can arise from a seemingly small oversight.

The video can be found below:

Make sure your passport is always in good condition to avoid any issues:

Here's how to renew passports online:

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