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"An Angel" — Woman Braves Cold Winds To Keep Trapped Crash Victim Awake Until Help Arrived

She insisted on giving what comfort and support she could to the severely injured driver, who was covered in blood and whose lips had turned white.

Cover image via South China Morning Post

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A woman in China has earned the tag of "an angel" after she kept talking to a trapped crash victim to keep him awake until help arrived

The woman, who has yet to be identified, kept talking to the driver who was trapped inside his mangled car after an accident. According to South China Morning Post, she did this to stop him from fainting.

She braved the cold and windy conditions while insisting on giving what comfort and support she could to the severely injured driver, who was covered in blood and whose lips had turned white.

The accident happened in the Shanxi province in northwestern China earlier this month.

Image via South China Morning Post

When the man began to cry in pain from his injuries, the woman told him to express his pain by shouting out loud instead

"Do you feel cold? Please find a comfortable position for yourself," the woman told the man, continuing, "Your family is coming in a moment. Hang in there, please!"

She was seen crouching on the ground next to the crashed car and talking to the driver trapped inside.

"Just do what makes you feel comfortable," she was heard saying, according to a witness.

The woman did not stop talking to him for more than an hour and continued to do so while staying by his side to help even after emergency services had arrived at the scene.

"I am very touched," the witness said, who shared the story

"People at this tragic scene are about to cry," the witness, who was identified as Gao, said.

Others who saw Gao's post commented to say that the woman was "an angel" for not leaving the man.

"Her talking to the driver is so heartwarming. It makes me cry," expressed a user.

Image via South China Morning Post

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