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17-Year-Old Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing Mid-Match In Asia Junior Championships

China's Zhang Zhijie was playing against Japan's Kazuma Kawano when he collapsed.

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A young badminton player from China has tragically died after collapsing mid-game during the Badminton Asia Junior Championships in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

According to the New Straits Times, 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie was playing China's third match against Japan at Among Rogo Sports Hall on Sunday, 30 June.

Zhang was tied 11-11 in his first game against Japan's Kazuma Kawano when he collapsed.

Image via New Straits Times

The incident was confirmed in a joint statement by Badminton Asia and the Badminton Association of Indonesia

"Zhijie was playing a group stage match against Japan when he collapsed and was attended to by the tournament doctor and medical team.

"He was taken to the hospital where he passed away at 11.20pm local time yesterday," they said in a statement today, 1 July.

The organisers also extended their condolences to Zhang's family and the Chinese Badminton Association, saying, "The badminton world has lost a talented player."

Image via Badminton Asia (Facebook)

The Badminton Asia Junior Championships ends on 7 July.

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