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Study: Malaysia Ranks As 3rd Country With Highest Daily Internet Usage

Malaysians are spending more than eight hours online each day.

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A study by ProxyRack, a proxy service provider, has revealed the top 10 countries that spend the most time on the Internet every day

The company states that it analysed a range of factors, such as the number of people who have access to the Internet and the number of social media platforms used. 

The scores are normalised out of 10 to reveal the countries with the largest overall screen time.

Image via Proxyrack

At the top spot of the list, with a score of 8.37/10, is the United Arab Emirates.

Proxyrack has pointed out that some contributing factors to this ranking include the fact that 99% of the country's population are active Internet users, and 57% of their daily Internet usage is on mobile devices.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia claims the second spot on the list, with an overall screen time rating of 8.2/10. Saudi Arabia narrowly misses the top spot due to a slightly shorter daily Internet usage and a lower average number of social media platforms used per month.

Image via Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Malaysia earns its spot at number three due to a lower Internet adoption (96.8%), as compared to the top two countries, which both have a larger Internet adoption rate at 99%

Out of Malaysia's total population of 34.13 million people, 96.8% are connected to the Internet.

Despite placing third on Proxyrack's list of countries with the biggest overall screen time score, Malaysia has the highest daily Internet time usage among the top three countries.

With a total of eight hours and six minutes per day, Malaysia's overall screen time score is 7.56/10.

Image via Proxyrack

But what are Malaysians using the Internet for?

According to Meltwater and We Are Social’s Digital 2023 Global Overview Report, those born through the Internet boom, between the ages of 25 to 34, are the most active online.

According to the report, users primarily turned to the Internet for three key purposes: Information searching (76.2%), keeping up-to-date with current events (65.8%), and staying in touch with friends and family (64.2%).

Image via Meltwater & We Are Social

WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms in Malaysia

At 89.3%, WhatsApp is the country's most-used social media platform. Following closely behind is Facebook at 84.8%, and Instagram at 74.3%.

Meanwhile, TikTok continues to rise in popularity among Malaysians youths.

Read here if your Internet is running slowly:

New research suggests that increased time online could be linked to cyberbullying:

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