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There's A New Kiosk In Shah Alam For Malaysians To Renew Their Passports

This kiosk offers a quick and easy option for walk-in passport applicants.

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The Selangor Immigration Department (JIM Selangor) estimates that there is an average of 2,900 passport applicants in a day in the entirety of Selangor

This number totals to a whopping 60,000 applicants a month.

Out of all the immigration offices in Selangor, an extensive amount of applicants go to JIM Selangor, making it one of the most sought after offices for passport renewal in Malaysia.

Thus comes the MyOnline Passport kiosk, the first of its kind —
situated at the Selangor Urban Transformation Centre (UTC)

Image via Imigresen Selangor (Facebook)

The establishment of the kiosk is to facilitate passport renewals more seamlessly for walk-in applicants.

According to their Facebook post, the Selangor Immigration Department (JIM Selangor) wants to take a more proactive approach to help walk-in applicants in UTC, especially during peak hours.

Everyone from the age of 13 and above will be eligible to use this kiosk

However, this service does not apply to first time applicants, senior and OKU citizens, applicants who have lost or damaged their passports, and students under the age of 21 about to continue their studies overseas. 

JIM Selangor hopes to consistently improve in order to give the best possible service for applicants who visit their offices

Image via Hello Kerja

They hope the kiosk grows to be an innovation that will be expanded as an effective option for passport renewal in the future, without neglecting the security aspects of documents issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department. 

You can find the kiosk at Jabatan Imigresen UTC Selangor

Now, you have another simpler way to get your passports settled, so you can book that long holiday you've been planning :D

Want to renew your passport online instead of going to a kiosk? Read this:

There's also an option to walk-in, if you prefer:

Looking to go on a long holiday or want to unwind? These stories may help you:

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