
[VIDEO] K-Lah! How Has K-Pop Changed Over The Past 10 Years?

It's been 10 years since the release of some of the most iconic K-pop hits! :O

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Fellow K-fans! Your requests have finally been heard and we're excited to announce that we have a brand new K-series! :D

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On each episode, Ashley and myself (a.k.a two of the biggest K-fans in the office lol) will be discussing all kinds of Korean related topics.

Can y'all believe that it's been 10 years since the release of some of the most iconic K-pop hits? :O

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This includes bops like 'Sorry Sorry' by Super Junior, 'Gee' by Girls' Generation, 'Heartbeat' by 2PM, 'Mister' by Kara, 'Ring Ding Dong' by SHINee, and many more! For a lot of us, these songs are truly unforgettable, we prolly still remember every word and dance move.

While those songs will forever remain iconic, no one can deny that K-pop has certainly come a long way over the past 10 years. There are lots of more recent songs that will totally be just as iconic 10 years from now.

So we decided to take a look at how exactly the increasingly popular music genre has changed by comparing K-pop songs from different eras

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Plus, we took on a special version of a 'Guess That K-pop Song' Challenge ;)

Those of you who watch 'Infinite Challenge' will definitely recognize this version of the game from their episode with Jack Black hehe!

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Watch the full video below to see our thoughts and how well we fared in the challenge:

How do you think K-pop has changed over the past 10 years? Let us know in the comments section below!

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