Missed The Oscars? These 42 GIFs Replay The Best Moments In Under 6 Minutes
From powerful speeches to stunning performances and celebrating great talents with humour thrown into the mix, The 87th Annual Academy Awards definitely did not disappoint.
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1. Neil Patrick Harris started the show strong by stating what we were all already thinking...
Image via assertio.tumblr.com
Image via assertio.tumblr.com
5. These Lego Oscars are more coveted and exclusive than the real thang, as proven by these very thrilled-looking celebrities. Now if only Leo could get one...
6. When Eddie Redmayne was like a wide-eyed puppy, bursting with joy and excitement during his acceptance speech
Image via luciawestwick.tumblr.com
Image via luciawestwick.tumblr.com
Image via luciawestwick.tumblr.com
7. Trust Neil Patrick Harris to do a parody of 'Birdman'. It was LEGEN - wait for it...
Image via mashable.tumblr.com
Image via mashable.tumblr.com
9. When Lady Gaga was all kinds of awesome in her Sound Of Music tribute. YAS GAGA YAS!
Image via mtv.tumblr.com
Image via mtv.tumblr.com
Image via mtv.tumblr.com
Her performance was so impressive, it deserved its own story.
10. Celebrities weren't the only ones having all the fun. A couple of seat fillers got their five seconds of fame!
Image via entertainmenttonight.tumblr.com
Image via entertainmenttonight.tumblr.com
11. Patricia Arquette fired up the award show with a galvanizing message to call for equal pay for women
Image via tumblr.com
12. You know you're on point when Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lopez are cheering from their seats for you
Image via streepandsmith.tumblr.com
Also, we can tell from this photo that Jesus, sorry we mean Jared Leto, approves of Patricia Arquette's speech as well
Image via tumblr.com
13. John Travolta got Idina Menzel's name right, everyone! And proceeded to touch her face a lot.
Image via luciawestwick.tumblr.com
Image via luciawestwick.tumblr.com
Image via luciawestwick.tumblr.com
Image via luciawestwick.tumblr.com
15. Which led to a very emotional David Oyelowo, with trustee Oprah by his side
Image via junibie.tumblr.com
Image via entertainmenttonight.tumblr.com
16. Fellow actor Chris Pine shed some tears as well. How does one cry but still look so good?
Image via entertainmenttonight.tumblr.com
18. But of course, an award show is incomplete without Cumbie and his ever-so-endearing antics
Image via taylorwildfree.tumblr.com
BONUS: John Travolta made us feel all sorts of uncomfortable with this cr33py photo he took with Scarlett Johansson
Image via theladbible.com
While these were happening halfway across the world, we at SAYS got the chance to dine and watch the live screening with local stars at HBO's Oscars red carpet event