You Know You Have 'Clean People' Issues When You Make All These Rules...
Some believe that clean people are able to see where germs hangout.
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Car Wash and Car Care Detailing Services In Malaysia
3. No sitting on pillows
Image via House...Hallu Aimiey Azizan In Da'
And you can't understand why some people do this.
5. No fingerprints on screens
Image via areallifehousewife
Let's not bring up those dirty seams in the keyboard that you can't reach.
9. Wipe the table at restaurants even after the waiters wipe it. You’re also the type who points out spots they missed.
And you're used to waiters/waitresses giving you this face.
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10. No double dipping
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Double dipping is like kissing someone indirectly, just don't do it.
13. Why do waiters stack plates on top of mine? WHY?
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It always makes you cry a little :'(
14. You eat food that's meant to eaten by hands with utensils.
Image via jeffrey siy
You are pretty good at it though...
17. You have wet wipes, 3-ply tissue and hand sanitiser in your bag
Image via Canberra CityNews/ TrailerHeroes/SAYS