
Here's What The Avengers Will Look Like If They Were A Cat

Must protecc.

Cover image via Cho/Instagram

Remember the world's cutest fish vendor that went viral last year for wearing an emperor costume while working?

Image via Inspire More
Image via Inspire More

The famous feline named Dog (Chó), now has over 121,000 followers on Instagram putting some of the most photogenic influencers to shame.

Turns out, the same furry face also spends its time watching over civilians at Vietnam's wet market while dressed as the Avengers

Iron Cat was spotted surveying the premises making sure all was well with the vegetables, shrimp, and fish section.

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

And here he was as Thor, the god of thunder, the sky, and... well, agriculture.

Image via Facebook

Though it's important to look cute while saving Vietnam...

... Chó also has a dark streak in him and sometimes shows up as a villain

Just like Loki himself, you can't help but feel a little attracted to Chó-loki.

Image via Facebook

Here he was standing watch over his victims before snapping them to death as Thanos...

... All in a day's work, to bring balance to this world.

This cat might have been working undercover with Chó this whole time:

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