
M'sian Goes Viral Making 22 Funny Burns Of Singapore To Show Jocelyn Chia How It's Done

Actually funny, and not "gratuitously offensive" in nature. *French kiss*

Cover image via @comedycellarusa (TikTok) , Explorest , @dafrosty (Twitter)

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Over the past two days, standup comedian Jocelyn Chia has gotten Malaysians all worked up because of the offensive jokes she made in New York

Not only did she joke about the unresolved MH370 tragedy during her set, but she also dropped a very personal and targetted 'F-bomb' at a Malaysian audience member who probably paid to be at the venue, while also making fun of Malaysia's status as a developing nation.

Her offensive jokes were uncalled for and had a punch-down nature. So much so that the Singapore High Commissioner, Vanu Gopala Menon, had to apologise on the country's behalf and clarify that she is no longer a Singaporean.

Since roasting is a two-way street, a Malaysian who goes by Dafrosty, a freestyle rap aficionado and a standup comedy fan, decided to serve up 22 sick burns of Singapore to show Chia how it's done.

Here are our top 12 favourite comebacks:













You can view all of Dafrosty's 22 glorious comebacks on his Twitter thread here:

Speaking to SAYS, Dafrosty said he used to stay in Singapore for two years for his diploma and degree.

While living there, he got to know some underground musicians and battle rappers in the local hip-hop scene.

"So, my experience, the things I observed, the news I followed during and after (my stay in Singapore), along with the stories from my classmates — both from rich and poor Singaporean families — and friends [inspired] some of the jokes on the thread," he said when contacted.

Learn more about Jocelyn Chia's controversy here:

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