
"Limited Edition" — Mosquito Finds Itself Imprinted On Lay's Chips Packaging

Not just one, but five packets.

Cover image via @thesushipaul (TikTok)

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Product defects are bound to occur every now and then, but not all mistakes are the worst.

Like in this recent case which has left the Internet in stitches.

A Thai woman who goes by @thesushipaul on TikTok recently discovered an unfortunate death imprinted on a bag of Lay's chips. 

The body of a mosquito laid to rest.

Here's a closer look:

In her video that has since received over 9.4 million views, she shows how it wasn't just one packet that had the mosquito's 'seal of approval'

She and her colleagues had bought a couple of packets of Lay's potato chips and discovered that all of them had the exact same imprint.

Curious, the woman went back to the 7-Eleven outlet near her office, where she bought the chips from, to see if there were any other packets. To her surprise, she found two more bags with the same body pressed against the potato chip printing!

It's unclear if the mozzie had just flown through the scanner/mould or had actually died on the packet during the printing process, but it definitely left its mark.


กลับมาดู #เซเว่น เดิม #เลย์ลายยุง ยังเหลือ! แต่ไม่ต้องมาแล้ว ฉันซื้อมาเพิ่มแล้วทั้ง 2 ซอง 55555 (ใบ้เล่นๆว่าอยู่แถวพระราม 9) #รีวิวเซเว่น #ยุง #ขนม #กินขนมกัน @Sushipaul ปล @Lays Thailand ติดต่อมา เดี๋ยวมาลงคลิปอัปเดตอีกทีจ้า

original sound - Sushipaul - Sushipaul

Sharing a consequent video, the woman explained that she visited a different 7-Eleven outlet but didn't find any similar packets in the Lay's section, so it appeared to have only been that particular batch

"Wow! This means that I need to rush to buy the other two packets to keep and sell on eBay," she jokingly said in the video.

"This isn't just a defect on one packet. This is the death of a mosquito on the mould itself and got printed. Its legs are so long!"


เลย์ลายยุง เซเว่นหน้าคอนโดมีปะ ลำบากต้องลงไปตีหนึ่งเนี่ย #เลย์ลายยุง #รีวิวอาหาร #ยุง #มันฝรั่ง #รีวิวเซเว่น #ขนม #กินหนมกัน @Lays Thailand @Sushipaul

original sound - Sushipaul - Sushipaul

One person added to the humour by calling the packets "Limited Edition".

Image via TikTok

You can watch the first video here:


ยุงติดแม่พิมพ์ปะ? ทำไมเลย์พิมพ์ลายยุง... #เลย์ #กินหนมกัน #ขนม #รีวิวเซเว่น #มันฝรั่ง #ยุง #รีวิวอาหาร @lays @laysthailand

original sound - Sushipaul - Sushipaul

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