
For The Love Of Man Utd, This Man Changed His Name To... Law Man United Dick

He's not kidding when he says he is the biggest Manchester United fan.

Cover image via The Sun Dream Team FC

Manchester United is a household name in English football with about 75 million fans worldwide

Out of the 75 million MU fans, ONE fan, this ONE MAN from Hong Kong has gone where only a few would go: he changed his name to...

Image via Tumblr

... Dick Law Man United

Dick Law Man United

Image via South China Morning Post

Speaking to the media for the first time, diehard Hong Kong supporter Law Man United Dick - previously known as Dick Lo Kin-fung - said his commitment to the club was unwavering, even if the Red Devils' English Premier League performance has been less than stellar.

The super-keen fan changed his name through deed poll, which he had to do through a lawyer at considerable cost.

He first thought of tattooing the club emblem on his body but changed his mind later

"Not everyone will know how much I love the club. Changing my name has much more impact," he explained.

Law said his girlfriend, family and friends had been supportive, even if internet users were dismissive. Given his new name, he is also changing his email address and company business cards.

Asked if he would consider changing his name back to the original, Law was adamant: "Never, never, never. I'm serious about keeping my name."

He added that he had the "guts and balls" to change it in the first place.

It was also revealed that he is in the midst of writing a 100,000-word "fan" book to share his passion

The book, which he hopes to complete within six months, is about "me and Manchester United" as he explores themes drawing upon "Why I love the club, and why I'm crazy about supporting the club," and he hopes other passionate fans will contribute to it.

However, perhaps one of the biggest ironies is that the official Manchester United supporters' club has yet to accept Law's new name.

"I dream of recognition from the club as the most loyal fan in the world. I want everyone to know I love this football team," he said.

His next goal: making his first visit to the club's stadium, Old Trafford, next year.

Dick Law is not the first person who has gone this far to show his undying love for Man Utd though

Mr. Manchester United

Image via Mirror UK

Bulgarian Manchester Zdravkov Levidzhov-United, a 52-year-old construction worker, last year won a partial 15-year legal battle with authorities to include the club in his name.

However, he eventually aims to change his name to just Mr Manchester United, dropping his own name.

Marin Zdravkov of Bulgaria apparently fell in love with the club back in the 1970s, but he decided to change his name when United won the treble.

He has wanted to change his name ever since but at first had to settle on a compromise — a hybrid of his own name and the club's.

There is also this woman who changed her name to include all 26 letters of the alphabet:

On the topic of football, the Malaysian football scene has gotten uglier by the day. See for yourself:

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