
[VIDEO] M'sian Gets His Long-Lost 'Bantal Busuk' Back In A Glass Box As A Birthday Gift

He had lost 'Mimee' since 2020. T.T

Cover image via @muniswaranharirama (TikTok)

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A Malaysian was surprised to receive his long-lost bantal busuk as a gift for his 34th birthday — carefully encased in a glass box

In a hilarious TikTok video, Muniswaran Hari Rama showed off his beloved childhood pillow, now preserved in a display box, complete with nostalgic photos of him as a baby and young boy.

He explained that he had assumed the pillow was lost about four years ago when he was moving out.

"I thought I dropped it or left it behind somewhere," he wrote, adding a crying emoji.

Little did he know, his best friend secretly kept it all these years — only to return it as a sentimental "artefact" on his birthday in January

Muniswaran shared that he had been using the same pillow since childhood, dating back to 1996, but after its disappearance in 2020, he was forced to sleep without his beloved bantal busuk.

In the video, he playfully — and somewhat begrudgingly — thanked his friend for the gift.

Funnily enough, the 34-year-old also told SAYS that he no longer sleeps with a bantal busuk.

The video has since garnered over 1.6 million views, with Malaysians entertained by the heartwarming and hilarious fate of his well-loved pillow

Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok

Watch the funny video below:


ne lh bantal busuk tambi dari umur 4 tahun, last 2020 pindah rumah ingtkan tercicir or tertinggal kt mana2, rupa2 nyer member katek tambi ne simpan selama selama 4 tahun semata2 nk bagi gift hari jadi tambi bulan january

original sound - Tambi Mamat Insurance AIA - Tambi Mamat Insurance AIA

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