
"Later I Give You Quotation" — M'sian Salesman Answers Work Call While Snorkelling

"Hello, Mr Chong, ah? I'm floating in the ocean right now. I'll send it to you later, okay?"

Cover image via Cuckoo by TH Tan (Facebook)

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A video of a Malaysian salesman taking a work call while snorkelling in the middle of the ocean has gone viral

The funny video was uploaded by the man himself on his business profile, Cuckoo by TH Tan.

"When you are snorkelling, but a client calls you to ask about a water filter..." reads his caption.

The Cuckoo water filter salesman told SAYS that he was in Pulau Redang when the phone call took place.

Clad in snorkelling gear and a life jacket, Tan can be seen calmly answering his phone that is protected in a transparent plastic pouch

"Hello, Mr Chong, ah? I'll send you the quotation when I'm back. I'm floating in the ocean right now. I'll send it to you later, okay?

"I'll call you if there's any changes. Three units? Okay, no problem," he says without missing a beat in the 14-second clip.

The video has since made its rounds on social media, with netizens laughing while admiring Tan's dedication to the job

"The funniest line is him saying that he's just floating in the ocean," said an amused netizen.

Image via Instagram

Another commented, "Just a normal day in the life of a salesman."

Image via Instagram

Meanwhile, many others tagged their hardworking friends, saying, "Doesn't this look like you?"

Image via Instagram

Watch the viral video below:

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