
Rapid KL Is Looking For This Tupperware's Owner Before Their Mum Finds Out They Lost It

Never lose your mother's Tupperware. Just don't.

Cover image via Rapid KL/Facebook

If you've ever lost your mother's Tupperware, you'll understand how this story goes

Rapid KL understands that perfectly, and that's why they're now looking for the owner of a Tupperware found in the TTDI MRT station

"To the owner of this Tupperware, please come to the TTDI MRT station immediately," Rapid KL wrote in a Facebook post earlier today.

At the time of writing, the post has garnered nearly 1,400 shares under two hours.

Rapid KL has offered to finish the food in the Tupperware, but they can't save its owner from an Asian mother's wrath

"Misplacing the rice with chicken curry, we can finish it (on your behalf). But misplacing your mother's Tupperware, you're asking for trouble," Rapid KL cheekily wrote in the Facebook post. 

True story.

Image via Stepfeed

Netizens are now recounting experiences with their mothers after they lost their Tupperwares

Image via Facebook

One netizen wrote that losing a Tupperware could lead to a case of child-dumping.

Image via Twitter

"My mom uses her parang if (I) don't bring home my Tupperware," another netizen wrote.

Image via Twitter

We're praying for the safety of the Tupperware owner. Good luck!

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