
Tesco Malaysia Made A Helpful Grocery Guide For Lost Husbands

Now he can bring home kobis bunga for you.

Cover image via Muzaffar Rahman/Facebook & Tesco Malaysia/Facebook

Grocery shopping is not an excuse to get out of the house right now. For many, it's like going into battle with only a slip of paper from your wife.

To keep the COVID-19 virus from spreading, the Ministry of Works recently announced that only the head of the household or one family member is allowed to do groceries.

Although the statement did not clarify who is the "head of the house", many husbands took the responsibility upon themselves.

As a result, we've seen some pretty hilarious confessions from husbands

"It's like a 'Treasure Hunt' right now. Each man looking at the list of grocery items their wives wrote for them to buy," wrote Facebook user Muzaffar Rahman whose post went viral on Saturday, 22 March.

"Feeling hesitant. Take photos, WhatsApp to their wives. Even better, one of them video called their wife, 'Hah look, which one do you want?'"

Taking these poor souls' fates in their hands, Tesco Malaysia came up with a brilliant guide for husbands who struggle to buy correct grocery items

In a Facebook post, which has already been shared more than 2,000 times since yesterday, the supermarket chain store listed out various food items - complete with Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese translations.

There's a guide of the different parts of raw chicken...

... A complete list of all types of fish

So everyone can now tell the difference between ikan siakap and ikan patin.

There's even a list of different vegetables like sawi putih, sawi bunga, and bayam

Before you know it, he'll be bringing home kobis bunga for you.

The guide has been a hit on the Internet, as several tagged their friends and other halves' in the post

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

Others even gave suggestions on how to improve the shopping experience for men

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

Don't start a war with your wife. Check out the full post below:

Remember to #JustStayAtHome. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

If all else fails, you can order deliveries or takeaways from these local restaurants:

Or cook up something simple and take it to the next level with one of these easy recipes:

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