These Might Just Be The Most Bizarre And Disturbing Pizza Ads You Will Ever See
We're not kidding, there are 50 of these ads and they are ALL made from terrible stock photos.
As if the Internet wasn't weird enough, Totino's pizza - an American frozen pizza brand - has just decided to roll out a series of bizarre ads created from some pretty terrible stock photos.
It all began with a Buzzfeed article that simply lists down 50 seemingly nonsensical stock photos. Viewing it as a challenge, Totino's decided to use these photos to make weird little ads from. All 50 of them.
"When we saw Buzzfeed’s list of 50 Completely Unexplainable Stock Photos No One Will Ever Use, we obviously had no choice but to use them. Poorly."
totinosliving.comThe original photos are already disturbing enough. Totino's remixed versions make even less sense, although they are no less entertaining. To illustrate our point, here is a side-by-side comparison of some of our favourites:
1. You know something is wrong when a Pizza Rocket makes more sense than an astronaut talking to a decked-out horse near a dumpster
2. Yes, this is an apple with teeth eating a pig with giant teeth eating a pizza
3. At least she's crying for a legit reason now, the extinction of pizza is a terrible thing indeed!
5. This is a picture of a man in a rabbit suit weighing a lettuce. Or a frozen pizza roll, if that strikes your fancy.
6. This terrifying-but-somewhat-adorable lumberjack dog makes no sense either way
8. We're guessing these Post-Its (with or without pizzas drawn on them) have some kind of... happy benefits...?
10. This nun is just content with discovering the joys of the ocean and the occasional pizza-fish
11. Nothing much, just chillin' and rockin' out with my abacus and pizza here...
12. We don't know what's creepier - crash test dummies in a forbidden romance, or that creeper pizza watching from inside the car
14. With his head on a cake-pillow, this guy contemplates the mistake he's made... of not lying on a pillow of pizza instead
You can see more of Totino's weird stock photo ads here. Also, if you're in the mood for more weirdness, take a look at Totino's latest video ad HERE: