
Chinese Woman Goes Viral For Making A Dress Out Of CHAGEE Bags

Tell me you are a CHAGEE fan without telling me you are a CHAGEE fan. ¬‿¬

Cover image via @美伢服装立裁 (Douyin)

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In China, a popular trend has emerged where people are upcycling CHAGEE bags into various items such as tissue box covers, Chinese foldable fans, tote bags, and children's dresses

Most of these items are small and relatively easy to make using several CHAGEE bags.

However, one tailor took this trend to the next level by transforming the bags into a dress for an adult, which has amazed netizens.

The tailor from Shandong, China, went viral for making a cocktail dress that is short in front, and long at the back.

The dress even comes with several pleats on the side, creating an elegant look.

"I used the collected CHAGEE bags to make a piece of clothing," said the tailor, hashtagging 'upcycled clothes' in the caption.

Watch the video below:

The tailor's video also went viral in Malaysia after a local Chinese news outlet uploaded it on Instagram, garnering over 100,000 views

Many netizens commented on the tailor's video on Douyin, China's TikTok equivalent, asking her to request an advertisement fee from the milk tea brand.

It is understood that the tailor had previously conducted classes, teaching children how to make minidresses using CHAGEE bags.

Watch the video below:

Isn't the dress gorgeous?

Learn how to make a tissue box cover with a CHAGEE bag here:

Here are more #upcycle stories on SAYS:

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