
This Dad Wanted Free Back Massages From His Son So He Found A Genius Way To Do It

Train up a child.

Cover image via Ken Kawamoto

A Japanese father has come up with a brilliant solution to entertain his son while getting free back massages

On 3 March, Google software engineer Ken Kawamoto posted a Twitter video of him wearing a specially designed T-shirt with train tracks printed on its back. 

Here's how it looks:

Image via SoraNews24

The innovative design acts as a play mat for his son's toy trains.

Ken called it, "The T-shirt that gets you a massage from your kids just by plopping down on the floor," as translated by SoraNews24.

Here's a video of his invention at work, which has amassed over 31,000 retweets and 62,000 likes:

There are even station signs on the T-shirt, such as "Right Shoulder," "Left Shoulder," "Spine," and "Lower Back" so that the person wearing it can request for certain train routes

Image via Ken Kawamoto

According to SoraNews24, one netizen suggested to print the same concept onto a jumpsuit so that dads can get their calves and hamstrings massaged too.

You can get a railway T-shirt of your own here. It comes in six colours and sells for 2,400 yen (RM88).

Meanwhile, this store in Tokyo offers a rather unusual service:

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