
Your Mum's Laundry Pins Are Being Sold For RM1,180 By This Japanese Label

At least they come in very modern, shiny colours.

Cover image via Lazada Malaysia/AMBUSH (Edited by SAYS)

If you are a filial child, then you've probably helped your mum hang out the laundry at one point (or many) in your life.

That also means you know what these are:

Image via Lazada Malaysia

Well, then rejoice! For you managed to get ahold of the latest hype in Japanese high end fashion before it was cool.

The "Nobo Clip Earring" is being sold by Japanese high fashion label AMBUSH for a whooping 32,400 yen (approximately RM1,180).

Mind you, it's not even a pair of earrings. It's just one clip.

There are some differences between the clothespins you have at home and the ones being sold by AMBUSH

According to Mashable SE Asia, the clips are made from brass, an alloy of copper and zinc.

They also come in a variety of shiny colours:

Image via AMBUSH
Image via AMBUSH
Image via AMBUSH

If you can't afford that price tag, then here's a do-it-yourself version to try at home:

You can check out the "Nobo Clip Earring" here.

This is definitely not the first time every day items have ended up as haute couture:

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