
This Japanese Mom's Rhythmic Way Of Scaring Off A Cockroach Is So Good People Made Remixes

The family was relaxing in the kitchen when the cockroach came out of nowhere.

Cover image via Twitter/darakkuma21

A video of a Japanese woman banging the kitchen cabinet to scare off a cockroach has gone viral

On 7 July, Twitter user @darakkuma214 shared a short video of his mother trying to lure a cockroach out of a kitchen cabinet.

SoraNews24 reported that the family was initially enjoying some kiwis in the kitchen when they spotted a cockroach wandering around. 

Before the netizen could get rid of the pest by spraying some pesticide, the cockroach fled into the kitchen cabinet

The family thought that the cockroach was hiding under their stove, which happened to be a pull-out drawer. In Japan, most stoves are usually installed as a drawer and are commonly used for grilling fish.

Without wasting any time, the man's mother decided to get hold of the cockroach with a unique idea.

In the video, the Japanese mother could be seen banging the cabinet with a chopstick while she repeatedly opened and closed the drawer

However, the brave mother did not realise that her actions actually created a rhythm that sounded like music to one's ears.

When the netizen realised what his mother was doing, he took the opportunity to record her on his phone.

At the time of writing, the video has received over 11 million views and more than 200,000 retweets.

Netizens were amused by how the woman handled the situation, while many were impressed by her rhythm

Some netizens were even so inspired that they put their own twist on the epic video.

One Twitter user even made an effort to write a music score based on the woman's rhythm.

While it is uncertain whether the cockroach was caught, the man shared that his mother was entertained by the responses to the video

“I’ve been showing everyone’s replies to my mom, and she’s been getting a lot of huge laughs out of them,” said the Twitter user according to SoraNews24.

He added that his mother "deserves all the laughs she can get" as she recently recovered from cancer and has been doing well since. 

“Her hair is still short, but it’s growing back little by little and she’s acting crazy and powerful every day," he said.

To all the cockroaches out there, beware of this brave and strong mother who just kicked cancer's ass!

Image via

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