
M'sian Shares How He Got A Framed Collage Of All His Old IC Pictures From JPN

Let's all get one!

Cover image via @hananrahman86 (TikTok)

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While most of us cringe at the sight of our IC picture, one Malaysian went above and beyond by obtaining all his old IC pictures in a framed collage from the National Registration Department (JPN)

In a TikTok video posted earlier this week, Hanan Rahman showcased the framed collage featuring the IC pictures from his early teen years up to adulthood.

In the 48-second video, Hanan shared the process of acquiring the photos from JPN

Hanan said that Malaysians have the opportunity to print their old IC pictures under an initiative called Photos of Beautiful Memories, which was introduced by JPN as part of National Registration Day which is celebrated on 1 October, every year.

Malaysians can either opt for an individual set priced at RM75 or a family set priced at RM150.

Following that, JPN also commented on Hanan's video stating that they provide this opportunity every year in October, and it will be available throughout the month.

Speaking to SAYS, Hanan, who is also a TV host on Al-Hijrah, said that he learned about the opportunity while interviewing JPN director-general Zamri Misman

Upon discovering the opportunity, Hanan shared that he quickly decided to obtain the pictures to see his first IC picture taken when he was 12.

"I was so happy to see my first IC picture which was taken in 1998. At that time, the pictures used to be in black and white," he expressed.

Watch Hanan's video below:

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