
These 2 Little Girls Pretending To Take A Selfie With A Slipper Will Melt Your Heart

You don't need expensive things to enjoy life!

Cover image via Minh Phương/Facebook (Edited by SAYS)

Most of us would have grown up 'playing pretend', and despite all the grumbles about how generations have changed, it seems some things remain the same.

Take these two girls for example:

A series of photos of two young Vietnamese girls pretending to take a selfie with a slipper was posted up Facebook user Minh Phương on Wednesday, 3 April.

"When you like to take pictures but you don't have money to buy a phone," her caption read.

At the time of writing, the post had been shared over 52,000 times.

In the photos, the two girls can be seen posing for a wefie together

At one point, the little girl in the blue dress put her portrait photography skills to use by taking a photo of her friend

The situation was made funnier by the fact, as some commenters pointed out, that the 'iPhone' was stolen from the foot of another friend

In all fairness, it looks like the two classmates traded one half of their shoes with each other! :p

The user even included a video of the whole game, which you can watch below to experience maximum cuteness:

2 cô gái mải mê chụp hình lúc đầu là cam trước để seo phi sau thì xoay cam sau để chụp hình cho bạn khi cô giáo gọi thì vội bỏ smartphone xuống chân để “dạ cô” Cuối clip smartphone lại về với thân phận chiếc dép có hình heo peppa

Posted by Minh Phương on Tuesday, 2 April 2019

The memories of our childhood never really leave us and you can relive it in so many ways:

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