
[VIDEO] Vietnamese Grandpa-To-Be Teaches How To Bathe Baby Using An Adorably Patient Cat

Looks like a very comfy massage.

Cover image via Vinh Quang Phạm (Facebook)

Bathing and taking care of a baby is not easy. There is so much that first-time parents have to learn when expecting their newborn.

A Vietnamese man, who will soon become a grandfather, recently gave his son a live demonstration of how to bathe a baby using their family cat.

Facebook user Vinh Quang Phạm shared a video on 7 November which has since garnered 39,000 likes and 17,000 shares.

According to TheSmartLocal Vietnam's translation, the man was cradling the cat in his hands while explaining that he must support the baby's head when he washes the baby's body.

Netizens were impressed by how patient and cooperative the cat was throughout the whole display

"To clean the baby's head, first, put the baby on your lap and wrap him or her in a towel," Quang's father says.

He explained that you must wrap the baby in a towel so that the baby doesn't get a cold.

Then, put the baby on your lap and splash water up to his or her face. Be careful not to let water get into the baby's ears.

Finally, dry the baby and put him or her to sleep

With such an attentive and experienced father, Quang and his wife should have no problems taking care of their future baby

Congratulations and best of luck to the family. You got this!

Check out the full video here:

Besides being adorable furry friends, cats can be mischievous too:

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