What This Cool University Senior Did In His Room With 13,000 Balls
In light of today's #RandomWednesday, we are sorry to inform you that the title of coolest uni student in the world has been taken.
Rice University senior David Nichol must really hate the fact that he is growing up. He dreads it so much that he brought his childhood all the way to uni with him.
He literally, LITERALLY, turned his dorm room into a ball pit! The type that we used to drown in when we were kids at McD's!
His room, the one where he sleeps, is filled with 13,000 plastic balls in five colours. There are so many balls he can't even open the door wide.
The door is in the top right corner!
This is how he gets out of bed in the morning. It's a glorious way to wake up.
He doesn't clean his balls, but it's okay, because 'Da Rulz says no peeing and no making out
How did he come up with the genius idea? "I read a comic one time and I thought that's a good idea. You can totally do things that are in comic books."
It wasn't easy for Nichol to get his balls to his dorm room. U.S. customs thought it was suspicious for a grown man to be receiving 36 boxes of toy balls from China.
David Nichol, a Rice University senior is obviously brilliant — and not just because he’s majoring in computer engineering. For the low price of $500, he ordered 13,000 plastic balls. Unfortunately, he had some issues with US Customs, who thought his love of childhood McDonald’s playhouses was a little bit off (makes sense, if you watch enough Law and Order: SVU you don’t trust anyone).
The best thing is that his university approves! Why else would they make him our hero with this video?
Where can we find a cool university like this in Malaysia?
“Even if you’re a grownup, I feel like you should be able to acknowledge that fun things are still fun. Just because you’re not seven doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in seven-year-old fun things,” said Nichol
“When you have an idea you should just do it, not worry about what happens next, because if we worry about what happens next, we have to worry about what happens after that,” he said. “If we keep worrying, you’ll never get to do the thing you want to in the first place, which is, I guess, a long way of saying ‘I don’t know.’”