
New Cyber Security Ratings And Exciting Innovations Unveiled At CTOS SME Biz Day 2024

The event drew over 1,500 SME representatives from across Malaysia.

Cover image via CTOS

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CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd, Malaysia's leading credit reporting agency, recently hosted CTOS SME Biz Day 2024

The event drew over 1,500 SME representatives from across Malaysia. Themed Future-Forward SMEs: Grow, Transform, Innovate, it served as a pivotal platform for SMEs to explore growth strategies amidst evolving economic landscapes.

The day-long conference featured a lineup of esteemed speakers and moderators, including representatives from SME Corporation Malaysia, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), and the Small and Medium Enterprises Association (SAMENTA)

Image via CTOS

Key industry players such as RAM Rating Services Berhad, FashionValet Group, and Lawrence Walter Seminars also participated. They shared insights on digital transformation, resilience building, and fostering a mindset for success in the competitive market.

Set against Malaysia's 4.2% GDP growth and a positive RAM-CTOS Business Confidence Index of 53.4 points in Q1 2024, discussions at the event underscored the optimism among SMEs regarding future business prospects.

However, challenges such as technological advancements and inflationary pressures were acknowledged as potential obstacles affecting SME financing and operational strategies

Image via CTOS

CTOS Digital Berhad Group chief executive officer Erick Hamburger addressed the challenges SMEs face despite the positive economic outlook.

"Rapid technological advancements, inflationary pressures, and exchange rate fluctuations impact financing conditions and ease of credit. CTOS aims to help SMEs gain better access to credit, supporting their growth and sustainability. We currently serve over 20,000 SMEs and aim to increase this number," he said.

At the event, CTOS introduced its new cyber security rating services, aimed at helping SMEs proactively manage cyber risks and regulatory compliance

Image via CTOS

This initiative complements CTOS' existing offerings like the CTOS Credit Manager and CTOS Verified, designed to enhance business credit management and online credibility respectively.

CTOS SME Biz Day 2024 not only highlighted the resilience and potential of Malaysian SMEs but also underscored CTOS' pivotal role in empowering businesses with essential tools and insights.

As SMEs navigate through uncertain economic terrain, CTOS remains dedicated to providing robust solutions that foster growth and sustainability

For more information on credit health and how CTOS can help your business, visit CTOS's official website or download the CTOS mobile app today.

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