
4 Easy And Practical Tips To Help You Save Space In Your Refrigerator

Never worry about running out of fridge space any more!

Cover image via Dole (Pinterest) & Kitchn

1. Group similar items using clear storage bins

One of the best ways to save space is to start organising your fridge. You can get clear plastic storage bins and separate items according to category. This will make your fridge look neater, while making it easier for you to find what you need.

P.S. Place your snacks in front, so you won't have to reach too far for it. ;P

2. Stack cans and bottles to save space

Image via Kitchn

When you have bottles and cans rolling around in the fridge, it takes up space and makes it hard for you to fit other things in. One easy trick is to use a binder clip to hold your bottles and cans in place, then stack them on top of each other to save space.

3. Make full use of the vertical space in your fridge

Give yourself more fridge space by adding detachable storage trays. These trays are especially great at filling up the spaces that you'd otherwise leave empty.

If your fridge has existing wire racks, use binder clips to hang bags of snacks and vegetables on it.

4. Freeze items into Ziploc bags and stack them on top of each other

Image via Real Simple

Make the most efficient use of space in your freezer by freezing items in Ziploc bags. This allows you to stack them nicely on top of each other, instead of having a messy freezer full of different sized containers and frozen plastic bags.

Another good reason why you should store your meats and vegetables in Ziploc bags is that it helps prevent freezer burn.

When it comes to getting a refrigerator, one of the most important things you need to look at is storage space

Image via LG

Buying a fridge is a big decision, it’s something that you’ll be using for quite a few years. That's why it's important to get one that is long-lasting and has enough space to meet your daily needs.

The one thing you'll want to focus on when buying a fridge is capacity:
- Gross capacity: The overall capacity including racks, pillars, etc
- Net capcaity: The actual storage space that is usable

Some fridges may advertise having a large gross capacity (e.g. 400 litres), but in reality the net capacity is only 300 litres, meaning you won't be able to fit as much inside. That's why the most important thing to look at is always a fridge's net capacity.

If you’re looking for a fridge that saves space and looks elegant, check out LG’s latest range of InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators

Image via Trade Arabia

Not only are LG refrigerators high quality and long-lasting, they also provide the net capacity as advertised, which means you won’t have to worry about not having enough storage space. Besides that, it comes with a sleek design and innovative features to help make your life at home more convenient.

LG's InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators allow you to look inside the easy access compartment without having to open the fridge door

InstaView Door-in-DOor has a sleek mirrored glass panel that illuminates with two quick knocks, allowing you to have a peek inside your fridge without opening the door. This helps reduce cold air loss, while keeping food fresher longer. Thanks to LG's Inverter Linear Compressor, the fridge can also help you save up to 32% of electricity.

The fridge also comes with various space optimising features:

Image via LG

1. SpacePlus Ice System
The door-mounted slim ice maker provides more storage space in the freezer

2. Full Wine Rack
The user-friendly designed wine rack can store up to four bottles in optimal temperature

3. Utility Box
You can store smaller items like deli and cheese in this optimal space

4. Moist Balance Crisper
This innovative lattice-patterned box cover maintains moisture at the optimal level for your fruits and vegetables

Find out more about LG’s latest range of InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators on their website today

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