
Here Are 7 Tips To Help You Create A LinkedIn Profile That Will Attract Headhunters

Don't miss out on the best job opportunities!

Cover image via katemangostar | Freepik (Edited by SAYS)

When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile?

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If you're like most Malaysians, you probably only think of updating your LinkedIn profile when you're actively searching for a job. Depending on how long since you started your last job, your profile may already be a few years outdated.

Creating and maintaining a professional LinkedIn profile takes time and effort, but the results are worth it in the long run

While you may not be on LinkedIn regularly, headhunters spend hours on the site every day sifting through potential hires.

That's why even if you're not looking for a job at the moment, it's always good to keep your LinkedIn profile updated. You never know when that big job opportunity may be knocking on your door.

Here are a few simple tips to help you bring your LinkedIn profile to the next level:

FYI, if it seems like too much information all at once, you can bookmark this page and revisit it as you gradually build your LinkedIn profile.

1. Create an ALL-STAR profile by filling up all your basic deets

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When you first sign up on LinkedIn, you'll be asked to provide basic information like your industry, education, and skills. Filling these out will give you an ALL-STAR profile, which makes your profile 27 times more likely to be found by headhunters.

2. Capture attention and make a statement with your profile photo, cover photo, and headline

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The first thing headhunters see is your profile and cover photo. Choose a professional profile shot and a cover photo relevant to your skill sets.

Next is your headline. Consider this your elevator pitch—a sentence to showcase your best self in 120 characters or less. By default, LinkedIn uses your current job title as your headline. Go one step further by describing the experience you have, the technical skills you can offer, and what you are passionate about.

Here's an example of a bad, mediocre, and good headline:

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You may have heard of people who use fun headlines, like this Malaysian whose LinkedIn profile update became viral. However, creative approaches can come across as tacky if not done well. When in doubt, stick with a professional headline that's straight to the point.

3. Tell a story and showcase your personality in the summary

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Treat your summary as a conversation. Make it personal by using phrases like:

  • "I believe that..."
  • "What I'm passionate about is..."
If you don't know where to start, try out this simple formula:

What I've done > What I'm passionate about > Why you should hire me

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Don't forget to include links to your portfolio, blog posts, or recent projects. For designers, photographers, and videographers, feel free to upload your work so that headhunters can view it as they go through your profile.

For a more in-depth guide on how to write your LinkedIn summary, read more here.

4. Take a few minutes to tidy up and expand on your career history

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This is where you showcase your past work experience. Don't stop at filling up your previous job titles and company names. Instead, expand a bit more on your achievements and how you contributed to your team.

You can write either in paragraph form or bullet form, as long as you keep it concise. Try to be specific by adding numbers or stats, as this will increase your credibility.

5. Get your skills endorsed and ask for recommendations

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First, add in relevant skills by using keywords related to your industry. Next, get your friends and colleagues to endorse you for those skills. Lastly, try asking people you've worked with to give you a recommendation. It's like a recommendation letter, but online.

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From experience, the best way to get endorsed and receive recommendations is to endorse and recommend people you know. Usually, they would be more than happy to return the favour.

6. Make an effort to connect with as many people as you can

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The more connections you have on LinkedIn, the higher the chance that you'll stumble upon a potential work opportunity. Make it your goal to get above 500 connections. While this may seem like a far off target, there are a few ways for you to do this.

  • Import your contacts from your email address
  • Connect with your high school friends, ex-colleagues, and current colleagues
  • Make it a point to and connect with people you meet at networking events
  • Remember to accept connect requests

7. Hint at headhunters that you're available and open to offers by selecting this in your profile

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Click on "Jobs" > Select "Career Interests" > Toggle "Let recruiters know you're open"

This little trick will make it easier for headhunters to find you. Plus, you won't have to worry because this setting is private and visible only to you and potential recruiters.

Is your LinkedIn profile all prepped up and ready to attract headhunters? We want to have a look at it too, so send your LinkedIn profile to [email protected] today!

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Plus, let us know which job openings you're interested in.

For more career tips like this, follow our #HireMeLah series:

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#HireMeLah is a personal growth series to help young Malaysians be the best they can at their workplace. In the series, we interview directors, hiring managers, and employees across Malaysia, and bring you the best tips to advance in your career.

Send over your stories/tips/advice to [email protected] for a chance to be featured.

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