
[QUIZ] How Familiar Are You With CNY Celebrations In M'sia? Lai, Find Out With This Quiz!

Betcha can't get at least six out of eight in this ultimate CNY quiz! :P

Cover image via @pressfoto (Freepik) & Pixabay

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Chinese New Year is finally here, gais!

Image via Tenor

It's always exciting whenever a festive occasion comes around. For Chinese New Year, there's always lots of festivities in store. From enjoying the lion dance performances, to getting plenty of mandarin oranges to last for weeks, there's just so much to look forward to. 

With that being said, we must be pretty familiar with the celebrations for Chinese New Year by now, kan?

Well, we're here to put your Chinese New Year knowledge to the test. Jom, take this CNY quiz to show that you know much more than the basics!

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Note: This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. Dun so serious, okay? :)

So, are you proud of your results? No matter your score, it's always fun learning more about the various cultures in Malaysia, and Chinese New Year is no exception.

During this festive season, Coca-Cola Malaysia wants to invite everyone to embrace and celebrate the real magic of togetherness and community.

As one of the biggest celebrations in the country, Chinese New Year is a time for celebrating amongst our loved ones. 

That's why Coca-Cola Malaysia wants you to #BringHomeTheMagic, as it is a time for new beginnings and meaningful connections we build and share with others.

To show everyone the importance of family, they've released a touching short film about a family of tigers, as they celebrate CNY together

The short video follows a family of tigers, who are preparing for a reunion dinner. But suddenly, a bottle of Coca-Cola falls off the dinner table, which sets off the father and son tigers on an adventure. Throughout the journey, both father and son rediscover their relationship towards one another.

Watch the video below:

Awww, it's nice to see how the family of tigers get along with each other despite their differences. And it's certainly no different from how we are with our own families. :)

Rina Surya, the Frontline Marketing Director Coca-Cola, said that Coca-Cola's brand philosophy is believing that real magic is everywhere.

"We consider ourselves fortunate to have been given the opportunity to be part of every table and witness the real magic of human connections, especially during Chinese New Year season, whether these connections are made physically or virtually. We are excited to launch our multifaced #BringHomeTheMagic campaign for Chinese New Year." said Rina.

In the spirit of the occasion, they've even introduced their limited edition CNY-themed Coca-Cola cans, wahh!

Image via SAYS

These six cans showcase a family of tigers, just like the ones in the short film! These designs are available throughout Coca-Cola's Rasa Asli and Tanpa Kalori range, and they're only going to be around for Chinese New Year, so faster collect them while you can!

And that's not all they're doing. Check out this super fun Coca-Cola Family Reunion Trivia Quiz, which you and your family can play together to win awesome prizes!

Here are the prizes up for grabs:

Week 1 (17 January - 23 January)
Coke Yu Sheng Set from Salad Atelier x100

Week 2 (24 January - 6 February) 
Coke Reunion Dinner from Dragon-i (non-halal) x20

Here's how to participate: 

STEP 1: Choose a family member you think you know best
STEP 2: Share this link with your chosen family member
STEP 3: Let your family member put in the correct answers for the questions provided
STEP 4: Once they're done, you'll receive an SMS link where you can guess the right answers
STEP 5: Share your score on Facebook or Instagram while answering the question 'Tell us who you want to share a Coca-Cola with this CNY, and why' 

You can even choose to play the Family Reunion Trivia Quiz alongside your family members too! This will make your reunion dinner a little more exciting, hehe. 

Whatchu waiting for? Celebrate the magic of togetherness and community by taking part in the Coca-Cola Family Reunion Trivia Quiz today!

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