
31% Of Malaysian Men Have Premature Ejaculation. Here Are 6 Tips To Help You Last Longer

PE is one of the most common issues faced by men worldwide.

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First things first, what is premature ejaculation?

According to WebMD, premature ejaculation (PE) is when you ejaculate less than one minute of entering your partner or before even starting intercourse. The medical and health news platform noted that it was a common issue, with 30% to 40% of men experiencing PE at some point in their life.

In fact, a 2017 study in the Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine found that 31.7% of Malaysian men suffer from PE, consistent with similar studies, which ranged from 20% to 30%. The study also noted that PE is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions among men, alongside erectile dysfunction.

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But when does premature ejaculation become an issue?

The truth is that there is no set time that a man should last before he ejaculates. Nevertheless, it becomes a concern when you or your partner find PE as a roadblock to enjoying sex.

For instance, if you ejaculate and lose your erection too early, you or your partner may feel like there is not enough time to enjoy sex. Additionally, ejaculating too early may cause embarrassment or anxiety.

To help you understand premature ejaculation, one thing you should know is the sexual response cycle

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During sex, you'll usually go through four phases — excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.

For men, the plateau stage is when you experience a high intensity of pleasure, which is when you're 85% to 90% of the way toward ejaculation, according to OH!MAN.

However, if you get to the plateau phase too soon, it's hard to control your ejaculation because you'll be close to the point of no return. Those dealing with PE will need to learn how to enjoy the initial 0% to 84% phase for a longer period of time.

If you're looking for self-help techniques, here are a few tips that may help you control premature ejaculation and last longer in bed:

1. Relax, communicate, and don't make sex about performance

For men dealing with PE, you may feel the need to perform or last longer in bed, which further fuels the issue. In fact, hyper-focusing on not ejaculating can lead you to ejaculate even faster.

Instead, each time you have sex, remember to relax and enjoy the moment. After all, sex is about intimacy with your partner, not about breaking your personal 'how-long-can-I-last' record.

If you are in a relationship, open up and communicate with your partner, so they know what you are dealing with and can help you through it.

2. Use a condom to make your penis less sensitive

According to NHS, UK's largest health website, using a thick condom during sex can help to decrease sensation and delay ejaculation. There are various condom brands that sell condoms for this very purpose.

3. Do Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

Weak pelvic floor muscles may make it tougher for you to delay ejaculation, says Mayo Clinic.

To strengthen those muscles, you can try out Kegel exercises. Firstly, find the right muscle by stopping your urine in midstream. Once you've identified the muscle, tighten it for three seconds and relax for three seconds. Do 10 reps, at least three times a day.

Once your pelvic floor muscles are stronger, you may find that tightening these muscles can help you delay or stop ejaculation.

4. Use the 'squeeze' or 'stop-and-start' method

These two methods help you stay within the excitement or plateau phase for a longer time.

Squeeze: Stimulate your penis until you are close to reaching orgasm, then either you or your partner squeezes the head of your penis until you lose your erection. Repeat a few times before ejaculating.

Stop-and-start: Stimulate your penis until you are close to reaching orgasm, then stop for around 30 seconds or until the feeling passes. Start the stimulation again and repeat a few times before you ejaculate.

5. Try masturbating an hour or two before having sex

WebMD notes that for some men, masturbating a few hours before sex helps them have better control when having sex. While your penis will be less sensitive (and last longer), masturbating beforehand may affect your erection and sex drive.

6. Rewire your brain by changing masturbation and porn habits

Premature ejaculation often stems from habits you pick up, such as masturbating to 'get off' in the shortest time possible, according to Innovative Men's Health. Porn consumption may also increase dopamine production, which can lead to PE.

These habits train your body to ejaculate faster than you typically would in a sexual situation.

For a healthier sex life, you may need to rewire your brain by taking your time during masturbation or not relying on pornography.

Do note that these tips could take time to show results, and may not necessarily work for everyone. In some cases, the best solution is to seek out professional help.

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If your premature ejaculation is related to physical issues, your doctor may suggest anaesthetic creams and sprays to lessen the sensation, or certain medications like anti-depressants that could delay ejaculation.

However, these often come with side effects, and need to be taken with certain precautions. Hence, you are advised to consult a doctor beforehand.

Another alternative is seeking help from a sex therapist or counsellor. Sessions with a professional may involve resolving underlying issues that could cause premature ejaculation, as well as ways to reduce performance anxiety and cope with it.

All in all, even if you're dealing with premature ejaculation, know that it's something you CAN overcome. ;) Gambateh, you got this!

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader's own medical care.

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