
This Fun Trending Challenge Lets You Win Free Cider By Showing Off Your Chopstick Skills

Win up to a carton of free cider!

Cover image via @FATAL1TY / Twitter & Ibrahim Rifath / Unsplash

So, you love drinking Somersby cider, but do you know the BEST way to enjoy it?

According to Somersby themselves, the best way to enjoy their deliciously refreshing cider is when it's served over ice.

Over the years, they have launched many flavours such as
Blackberry, Elderflower Lime and Sparkling Rose but it all
started with Somersby Apple Cider, the most iconic of all their flavours

The flagship apple cider not only gave Somersby its reputation, it also set the standard for its crisp and refreshing taste. Crafted from fermented apple juice and natural flavours, this fruity and sparkling drink has no artificial sweeteners, colours, and flavours.

Its unique balanced taste makes Somersby Apple Cider easy to drink. Enjoy the pleasant sparkling sweetness with a fruity and sour balance. It's really refreshing!

Somersby is launching Somer Games, a fun yet refreshing game to enjoy Somersby.

The best part about Somer Games is that no one walks away empty-handed, you're guaranteed to win something!

All you have to do is buy two 4-bottle or 4-can packs of your favourite Somersby from one of the participating supermarkets or hypermarkets. Then, show the receipt to the Somersby promoters and roll the giant dice to see what you win.

What you roll will determine your prize. A total of 9,000 prizes are up for grabs, so don't miss out!

Click here or scan the QR code below to see the full list of participating outlets and dates.

And the fun doesn't stop there! When you get home, make sure to try out the Somersby Ice & Dice Challenge - Home Edition, which could win you more prizes.

Try not to get all kan cheong as you race against time to put as many ice cubes as you can into a glass of Somersby. The twist? You gotta do it using a pair of chopsticks, hehe! You can play alone or even compete against friends.

All you need are the items below:
1 bucket of ice
1 pair of chopsticks
1 glass (300-350ml)
1 bottle/can of Somersby
1 stopwatch

Do not forget to record yourself while you play and post it on Instagram* or Facebook** and stand to win one carton of Somersby! Five winners will be chosen daily and a total of 150 prizes are up for grabs so make sure to snag yours before it runs out.

*Instagram: Tag three friends, tag @somersbymy, and include #iceanddicechallenge in your caption. Make sure your profile is public.

**Facebook: Post it in the comment section of this Facebook post. Tag three friends and include #iceanddicechallenge.

The Somersby Ice & Dice Challenge* and Somer Games* will be going live from 1 - 31 August 2020 so hurry and take part today!

Terms and conditions apply. Click here for more information. For more of Somersby's latest updates, stay tuned to their Facebook and Instagram.

*Only open to non-Muslims over the age of 21.

As a reminder, the legal drinking age in Malaysia is 21 years old. That means you need to be 21 in order to buy and consume alcohol. Remember to always drink responsibly and in moderation. If you plan to drink, try carpooling with a friend who isn't drinking or catch a cab instead of driving.

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