
Visitors Are Misbehaving At The National Art Gallery And Netizens Are Not Having It

A popular installation had its mirror broken by visitors.

Cover image via & Backstage/Facebook

Another day, another Instagrammer ruining things.

With the recent 'Leonardo Opera Omnia' exhibition, the National Art Gallery has seen a huge influx of visitors.

Unfortunately, the huge crowds also drew a bunch of visitors who seemed to think that the installations were interactive pieces

Among the various ways some visitors have been abusing the artworks include:
- Climbing on a display ladder,
- Stepping and sitting on an exhibit's mirror, and
- Sitting on an artwork.

A popular installation at the 'Bakat Muda Sezaman' exhibit, which shows a stone hovering over a mirror, had allegedly been broken by visitors

Here is the exhibit in all its untouched glory:

This is how it looks now:

The Star identified the installation as Mesita Jee Mei-Jane's 'Meeting I'.

The repeated incidents have left netizens fuming

"These kind of people should be sent to the zoo. [...] If this happened overseas, you'll go broke trying to pay for the broken artwork," one netizen said.

Image via Facebook

"You can't expect every exhibition to put a placard next to it saying 'do not touch' right. No wonder shampoo bottles have a 'do not consume' sign because this generation has no common sense. Because they have no common sense that's why they sit on glass and ignore the barricades. Plain dumb," fumed another netizen.

Image via Facebook

"Some people just do not know what is their boundary, what they should do and don't. This is plain rude and disrespectful to the artist and irresponsible. There are many ways to get likes for the Instagram post and this is absolutely not the way to do it," a netizen lamented.

Image via Facebook

"In Malaysia, arts have to be placed within a laser gate so that people can view it from afar," a netizen commented sarcastically.

Image via Twitter

So the next time you visit any gallery or museum, please read the goddamn signs

This is not the first time vandals have been called out for bad behaviour in public Malaysian spaces:

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