
This Raya Film Reminds Us To Make Meaningful Connections No Matter Where We Celebrate

Even when things are new and unfamiliar, watch how these newlyweds still find the true meaning of Raya in their newfound families.

Cover image via Maxis (YouTube)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Maxis.

As Eid al-Fitr draws near, many of us eagerly await the chance to be with family and friends, enjoying the special traditions and connections that make this time so memorable, right?

However, while we may hope for every year to unfold exactly as we envision, sometimes circumstances lead us to embrace new family experiences during the festive season. It is in these moments that we find joy in opening our hearts to the warmth of new family ties, welcoming the unexpected with grace and celebrating the fresh connections.

Building on the excitement of the festive season, Maxis has released a touching short film that captures the essence of Raya, which is to embrace togetherness no matter where you are

The short film follows the story of a husband going to his in-laws' house for Raya, where they join a lively gathering of relatives. However, he isn't exactly sure what to expect, since this will be the first time he's celebrating away from his family.

Maxis tells this heartfelt tale to remind us all about the real beauty and meaning of Raya, showing that it's not just about where you are, but the connections you make.

Check out the full video below:

In the midst of the festivities, the main character finds himself in unfamiliar territory, surrounded by relatives from his in-laws' side

Image via Maxis

As he tries to fit in, he receives a text from home, reminding him what he's missing out on.

He also realises that everything is slightly different at his in-laws' home, even the type of their ketupat served

Image via Maxis

However, he soon discovers that differences may not necessarily be a bad thing — he starts to realise how he can still enjoy the festivities and embrace togetherness despite the differences.

As heartwarming moments continue to unfold, he finally understands that the essence of Raya is not in the location, but the people we share it with

Image via Maxis

The farther you are from home this Raya, the broader your perspective can become, so be sure to open your heart to new experiences!

All in all, Maxis delivers a poignant reminder this year — as we celebrate Raya, let's remember to form meaningful connections no matter whenever we are

Embrace the true spirit of the season by cherishing togetherness and fostering meaningful connections, wherever life's journey may lead us. Don't lupa, it's all about opening your heart to accept where you are this season and celebrating joyfully.

Maxis wishes all Malaysians a Selamat Hari Raya!

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