
[SURVEY] 72% Of Malaysians Said They Would Stay Longer In A Shop If It Smelled Nice

Perhaps that's why you spend so much time in your fave shop! ;P

Cover image via pressfoto (Freepik) & Mariana Rascão (Unsplash)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Initial.

Have you ever stepped into a store and felt a sense of familiarity?

Some stores make us feel comfortable, like we're at home, while other stores give off a posh and high class vibe from the moment you enter. Some places feel clean, fresh, and new, while certain locations may seem so familiar, just like somewhere out of your childhood memory.

Well, guess what? The way you feel may not be a coincidence after all — in fact, it could be your nose and sense of smell that's behind all these feelings! :O

According to Mood Media, 75% of the emotions we generate every day is because of smell. That explains why we may feel a certain way just by entering a mall, hotel, or café.

The same research also showed that we are "100 times more likely to remember something we smell over something we see, hear, or touch".

Brands with chain stores emphasise on creating an excellent in-store experience that includes ambient scenting, which is why you'll notice each of their stores smell the same way and invoke the same feeling, no matter the outlet.

Besides a sense of familiarity, the right scents can also make shoppers feel more comfortable and confident. A survey by hygiene services provider Initial showed that a majority of Malaysians (77%) felt that a space was clean, just because it had a pleasant smell.

Plus, 72% Malaysians agreed that a nice scent would make them want to stay longer in an establishment.

Introducing Initial's Premium Scenting Services, which help businesses create the perfect sensory experience for customers in-store

Initial is the leading provider of hygiene services including air, hand, floor, washroom, surface, and more. But what you may not know is that they're also experts in Premium Scenting services.

From hotels and car showrooms, to malls, retail outlets, restaurants, and even offices, Initial is responsible for crafting the ambient scents of many places you visit on a daily basis. With a wide range of scents curated by their expert team, they offer a variety of scenting options to suit your business.

Compared to other air fragrance solutions, Initial Premium Scenting units provide wider coverage, ranging from small venues to big halls. Their system is also equipped with patented micro-droplet technology, which guarantees to provide the same ambient scenting experience throughout the day in your premises.

Wondering what Malaysians thought of their premium scents?

Initial recently hosted an 'Experiential Scent Journey', exposing participants to two different rooms — with and without scents, to see their reactions.

A whopping 90% of these participants agreed that they would want to stay longer in the scented room because of the pleasant scent.

Take a closer look at what happened in the video below:

All in all, having the right scents in your premises not only elevates the brand experience for visitors, but also helps to strengthen brand recall and, most importantly, makes customers want to stay longer! :)

Interested? Just contact Initial Hygiene Malaysia through WhatsApp for this exclusive scenting experience or find out more on their website.

On top of that, when you enquire for the scenting experience before 28 Feb 2023, Initial will also give you exclusive sustainable merchandise so quickly reach out to them now!

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