
‘I Thought My Neighbour Was A Gangster’ And Other Fun Malaysian Neighbour Stories

Life would be immensely boring without them.

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Neighbours are like durians. You either love them or hate them.

Sometimes, you enjoy their presence so much that you want to hang out at their house every day. Other times, you can barely stand them and you wish they would just move away. But either way, you're gonna be stuck with them, so you might as well make the most of it.

Here are some real neighbour stories shared by Malaysians:

1. "I thought my neighbour was a gangster"

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"Cheok was my neighbour for as long as I could remember, but I used to stay away from him because I thought he was a gangster. He would always ponteng class and walk around with his shirt untucked.

It wasn’t until we ended up in the same class in Form 4 that we started talking to each other and cleared up all the misconceptions we had about each other. We began walking home together after school every day and ended up becoming good friends. We’re great friends up till now!”

- Bernard, 25.

2. "I ended up marrying my neighbour"

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"It's like we were meant to be. We grew up going to the same tadika, then the same primary school and secondary school, and even ended up going to the same university. So, it was no surprise when we both tied the knot.

Now, we live in our own place, but our parents are still neighbours. And whenever we go home to visit, it's nice that we can see both families at once."

- Jay and June, 32.

3. "My neighbour makes us vegetarian lontong every Raya"

"Our Malay neighbours will always bring over food to our house, especially during Hari Raya. And since my dad is a vegetarian, they make a vegetarian version of lontong for us, and it's probably the best lontong in the world.

Even if we aren't around during the festive season, they will make sure to bring over some lontong whenever we get back."

- Dakshayini, 34.

4. "My neighbour once smacked my face and broke my tooth"

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"I used to play midnight badminton with my neighbours next door. We would use the house gate as the badminton net, and we'd play through the night.

One time, I was teaming up with Tim, and he tried to save the shuttlecock with a backhand stroke. Unfortunately, I was standing close by and got smacked right in the face, chipping off my front tooth. Those terrible fellows continued to play while I went home crying."

- Sharon, 28.

5. "My neighbour saved me from drowning in the swimming pool"

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"I used to take swimming classes with my cousin in the apartment complex we stayed in. Our instructor was one of the neighbours on the fourth floor.

Since my cousin was older, she was already swimming in the deep end. One day I tried to paddle towards her with my float, but I lost it midway and began to drown. Luckily, our swimming instructor was quick enough to scoop me out of the water before anything serious happened."

- Lily, 22

6. "We always have an annual barbecue party"

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"An annual tradition at our apartment is to have a major cookout at the common area during new year's eve. We barbecue chicken wings, sausages, kebabs, and all other kinds of meats while we count down to the new year.

It's probably the only time you get to see so many of your neighbours all at one place—the kids will be having a blast chasing everyone around, the dads will be busy at the barbecue pits, while the mums just chat by the pool. It's truly a wonderful sight."

- Surendran, 35

7. "I grew up together with all the kids along the street"

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"All the kids along my street were around the same age. At 4.30pm sharp every day, a whole group of kids would come out to play together. We'd cycle around the compound and one of my neighbours even taught me how to rollerblade.

Now, I'm the only one left. Everyone else has either left the country or moved away. However, after 26 years, most of our parents are still staying there and they even got together for a dinner the other night."

- Adelia, 26.

8. "I used to get groceries delivered to my doorstep"

Image via Hungry Forever

"Before there were grocery and food delivery apps, my neighbours would be my personal delivery assistants. As a busy piano teacher, I didn't manage to go out to the market in the mornings, so different neighbours would help me buy different groceries on certain days.

And in return, I taught their children piano. The kids would treat my home as their own, rummaging through the cupboard for food, and sometimes even falling asleep on my sofa."

- Christine, 40

9. "My neighbour was my jogging buddy"

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"Out of the blue, Rick said he wanted to get fit. And since that day, we've been consistently hitting the gym weekday mornings at 7am before work.

It's really different when you're running on the treadmill alone, versus when someone else is running alongside you. It really gives you the motivation to keep going on. 2 years later, I'd like to say we've grown fitter and become better friends."

- Ryan, 27

Your home is more than just where you stay, but the people you surround your life with

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Good neighbours can end up as more than strangers. They can be friends, close friends, and even become as close as family.

At Gamuda Gardens, they're not only building homes, but also communities that you can share your life with

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Located within Gamuda Gardens is GAIA Residences, a one-of-a-kind vertical living space

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