
18 Memes That Perfectly Describe How Parents Feel About Kid Poop

Why do they always want us to look at it in the toilet bowl?!

Cover image via Mr Bean edited by SAYS

1. This is a universal truth

2. Oh, the stress of it all...

3. Forever trying to remember when they last pooped

Image via Boing Boing

Did they poop this morning? Or was it yesterday and not today? OR WAS IT LAST WEEK?!

4. That long wait only parents understand...

Image via Meme Generator

5. When you have to promise to buy them something nice just to get them to poop

Image via Know Your Meme

6. When you finally convince your kid to eat their veggies so they can go ng ng then your partner tells them they don't have to if they don't want to

Image via Reaction Gifs

7. Waking up at 2am and getting blinded by your phone because you HAVE to Google about your kid's bowel movements

Image via Top Best Picks

8. Reading up on kid poop to check if that colour is even human

Image via

9. All the time we spend researching our kid’s poop

Image via Imgflip

10. When you finally get everyone to sit down at the table and eat... then your kid announces they need to poop

Image via Pinterest

And they demand you come with them.

11. This comprehensive bar chart showing the exact times your kid wants to poop

Image via Dumex Mamil

12. Every time your kid screams for you to come see their poop masterpiece floating in the toilet

Image via Pinterest

13. When your kid is making a poop face but still refuses to go to the toilet

14. Every time you have to wash a buntut that isn't yours

Image via Img Flip

15. The evolution of parenthood

Which stage have you reached?

16. Every time you ask “where did you poo poo?” and they answer “in the toilet”

17. Waiting for your kid to finish washing up "all by themselves"

18. When you're in the middle of something important but have to drop everything because your kid needs to poop and only wants you

Got any parenting poop memes to share? Show us in the comments below!